torsdag den 31. oktober 2013

Valfart 4, onsdag -- Pilgrimage 4, Wednesday

     Efter endnu en tidlig morgenmad tog vi metroen, og så ventede vi. Ugleungerne havde deres bøgen med, Uglemor og Skribenten måtte bare står og vente.
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After another early breakfast, we rode the Metro for several stops, and walked, or rather tried to get through the throngs. And then we waited. The Owlets had brought their books. MotherOwl and the Writer just stood and waited.

     Vi ventede på pave Frans. Her er han så endelig. Lisdt før tiden begyndte han sin rundtur på Peterspladsen, og kom tæt forbi hvor vi stod. Han nævnte os endda i sine hilsener, og vi fik en særlig velsignelse.
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 We were waiting for pope Francis. He arrived a bit early for his ride aruond S. Peters square, and came quite close to where we stood. He even mentioned us in his greetings, and had a special blessing for each language group - where we counted as Germans :)

     Så trængte vi til at være lidt alene. Efter en enkelt pizza eller to slentrede vi op ad Corsoen, hvor alle går for at se og blive set. Vi var inde i kirken San Carlo in Corso og hilse på Carl Borromæus, der er min - valgte - navnehelgen eftersom Charlotte er hunkønsformen af Carl. Han er nem at genkende. Klædt i kardinalsrødt og med en meget karakteristisk næse. .
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We needed a bit of space aruond us, so after a pizza (what else) we saunteded along the Corso, the main strolling street in Rome. We went into the church San Carlo in Corso, to greet S. Charles Borromeo, who is my chosen patron saint (Charlotte being the feminine form of Charles). It's very easy to recognize him in pictures, dressed as a cardinal with a caracteristic (big) nose.

     Så gik vi op i parken bag Piazza del Popolo og nød udsigten over byen. Der var meget smukt, og grønt.
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In the park over Piazza del Popolo we looked at the wiev over the city and relaxed by a small pond.

      Da vi gik videre, kom vi forbi Propagandaen, dem der før i tiden sendte præster ud i verden. Der var et museum med billeder fra hele verden, film fra pavernes rejser rundt i verden og gestande fra især Afrika og Oceanien. Malerier fra Japan g fotografier fra Australien og New Zeeland og en opstilling med en stødtand for hver af de da afrikanske martyrer. Til sidst så vi den kirke, hvor Niels Steensen blev bispeviet, og hvor vi skulle have messe næste dag.
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As we walked on, we came across the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, or rather their old headquarters, which now was a museum for missionary works. We went in there as it was open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and by Friday we would be in Florence. We looked at church models from India, Japanese paintings, African elephant's teeth and Australian photos. In the end we saw the church where Bl. Niesl Steensen was consecrated as Bishop, and were tomorrows mass would take place.

 Vi afsluttede dagen med at stå højt oppe over byen og se mørket falde på.
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We ended the day looking at the sun setting over Rome.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    How special seeing the pope! Charles Borromeo is also my patron saint. My middle name is Caroline which is a feminine derivative of Charles, so I decided he would be a great saint to adopt. I wasn't baptised in the Catholic church so no one gave me a patron saint when I was a child, Father James Tierney, whom I mentioned in one of my Angels stories, has written a number of catechisms, and my family has helped him promote them. So I guess Charles Borromeo is a very appropriate saint!

    1. Yes St. Charles Borromeo is an apporpriate saint for you. Alone by teaching your children aboth the faith and writing your Angle-books iI think you qualify ;)
      I was also not baptized in the catholic Church, and have chosen him as my patron saint later on. Partly from my name, partly from reading his biography while travelling in Italy many years ago. I've been a catholic for 30 years now :)
      And Fr. Tierney. His name rung a bell, and now I remember. I read somthing he wrote on "The Lord of the Ring" when we had a controversy concerning that trilogy in our local church (it spread to the media etc.) I still remember his lucid and informative style, I think it's from him, I learned that good conquers evil on March 25 in LoTR. He has fans in far away corners of the world. I think I'll have to find a copy of some his cathechisms. I'm sure to learn something from it.


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