tirsdag den 22. oktober 2013

Smukt efterår -- Beautiful Autumn

     Mandag var Uglemormor, Storesøster, Lille Leo og et par stykker til på besøg. Vi gik en tur og nød det gode vejr, og der fandt vi denne smukke brombærranke. Billeddet giver et godt indtryk af, hvor smukt efteråret kan være.

  Monday GrandmaOwl, Big Sister, the little Lion, and a few other were visiting. As we went for a walk, we saw this bramble bush. The leavvs are quite special, and I like the autumnal look of this picture.

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    I love blackberries. We used to have a bramble growing in one of our gardens. Unfortunately they are regarded as a pest here, and the council sprays them in an attempt to get rid of them all. I can remember some lovely blackberry picking sessions and some delicious pies and cakes we made with our berries.

    I bet you enjoyed the visit of your daughter and grandson!


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