fredag den 1. november 2013

Valfart 5, torsday -- Pilgrimage 5, Tuesday

     Nok engang nød Ugleungerne croissanter med Nutella i massevis, så hvis de ser lidt beskidte ud om munden og andre steder, skyldes det bare overdreven nydelse af denne klæbrige, brunlige substand.
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Once again we ate breakfast in the cellars, and the Owlets ate a lot of croissants with Nutella. If they look a bit dirty around the mouth and maybe elsewhere in this picture, Nutella is the culprit. 

     Vi samledes atter hele flokken og tog hen til propagandekongregationen, hvor vi jo havde været på smugbesøg dagen i forvejen, og der læste vi messe kun for os. De små Ugleunger var efterhånden blevet helt gode til at ministrere, så vi slappede af og nød messen.
     Uglemor nød især billedet af sin navnehelgen, Carl Borromæus, der hang i det øverste højre sidekapel - helt tydeligt at se på billedet.
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Then all the pilgrims congregated in the church of the Propaganda, of which we had a sneak view on Wednesday. The smaller Owlets were by now comfortable serving mass with the bishop, and we all enjoyed a mass in the surroundings. The church should look essentially the same as when Bl Steensen was created a bishop here in 1677.
MotherOwl looked at the picture of St. Charles Borromeo, seen over the heads of the servers.

Efter messen gik vi på kirkevandring igen. En kirke, der især tiltalte os, var Sant' Andrea delle Fratte. Her hænger der et mariabillede til minde om Alphonse Ratisbonnes mirakuløse omvendelse, og ved det billede læste S. Maximilian Kolbe, der er Minimax' navnehelgen, sin første messe. Endvidere er vores sognekirke Sankt Andreas kirke, opkaldt efter Sant' Andrea delle Fratte. Polly Berling, der lod kirken opføre, forelskede sig i Sant' Andrea delle Fratte, og måtte også have en sankt Andreas kirke. Hun lod også male en kopi af nådebilledet, der dog nu hænger i et kapel.
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After mass the whole group went looking at churches. One church in particular caugth our attention, Sant' Andrea delle Fratte. Inside is a miraculous painting of our lady. This painting commemorates the conversion og Alphonse Ratisbonne. Here St. Maximilian Kolbe read his first mass ever, and he is the patron of our Minimax. Furthermore we belong to St. Andreas' church. Named of course after St. Peter's brother, but also after this church. The lady that built the church - the second oldest in Denmark - was in Rome, and fell in love with Sant' Andrea delle Fratte. After returning she built a church and had a copy of the picture painted for it.

     Nok engang spiste vi pizza til frokost og samledes så på Peterspladsen for at se på Vatikanmuseet. Det er stort, og der er vel nok meget at se på. Selvfølgelig valgte Uglemors kamera dette øjeblik til at løbe tør for strøm, men Minimax havde "sit liv" med også. Så takket være ham får vi her et par små glimt fra Vatikanmuseet. Den kogle, der engang stod for enden af Circus Maximus, og Skribenten sammen med sin muse, Klio.
We had once again pizza for lunch, and met at Saint Peter's square to see the Vatican museum. It is very big and very filled with things worth looking at. Of course MotherOwl's camera ran out of battery right at the beginning, but Minimax also had "his life" - he took more than 1000 pictures this week. Thanks to Minimax for the pictures of the cone that once was situated at one end of Circus Maximus and also the Writer and his muse Clio. . 

Ugleungerne var ganske vilde med at tænde lys alle vegne for hvem som helst, og til sidst måtte vi begrænse det til et lys pr. kirke. Det gik så på skift. Her fik de dog alle tre lov.
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The 3 littlest Owltes found ligthing candles at an altar to be the thing to do. We had to limit it to one candle per church, the Owlets taking turns. Bet here in Santa Prassede it was real candles, and they were allowed one each.

     Om aftenen tog vi afsked med Rom med en fælles middag på en restaurant i nærheden - og nej, vi drak ikke al vinen i den kæmpestore flaske, den stod til pynt. Desserten var tiramisu.
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In the evening we said our goodbyes to Rome with a dinner for all of us. And no, we did not empy that big bottle, but we ate all the tiramisu, taht was served as dessert.

This is only for Sue Elvis and family
I found a shop. And I just had to take a picture of. it
As you see, you have an enterprising Roman branch of the family.

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor

    Thank you so much for the Elvis part of your post! That was a lovely surprise! It sounds like you enjoyed some delicious food while in Rome. I love tiramisu. I wonder if real Italian food tastes different from our version. Perhaps pizza is the same the whole world over.I also love lighting candles!


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