mandag den 28. oktober 2013

En uge på valfart -- A Week's Pilgrimage

     Skribenten, Ugleungerne og Uglemor har været langt væk. Prøv selv at se. Dette billede er taget søndag morgen kl. 4.50. Derfor ser alle Ugleungerne lidt trætte ud. Vi har kørt i vores zeppeliner en times tid, og nu står vi i Kastrup lufthavn, hvor den teknisk begavede Skribent får billetmaskinen til at virke.
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Now what have we been up to. This picture is taken in the wee hours of last Sunday morning. That explains the bleary eyed Owlets, and a sleepy Writer. After an hour's ride in our Zeppelin, the Writer is making the incredible mashine give us our tickets. 

     Efter et par timers flyvning og en kortere bustur ankom vi til dette dejlige sted. Her er varmere end hjemme, og vi følte os hjemme her. Måske endnu mere end i Uglebo.
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After a couple of hours on board a plane, and a shorter busride we arrived a this place. It was hotter than at home, but we felt maybe more at home here than in the Owlery.

     Her fejrede vi søndagsmesse, kun os, men da vi er en del af en større gruppe, og ikke har bedt om alles tilladelse, er der mange slørede ansigter på de følgende billeder. 
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We had our own mass. As we were part of a larger group, I have blurred the faces of people, not belonging to the Owlery, as I have not asked their permission to publish their pictures. One exception is our Bishop. No measure of photoshopping can hide the fact that he's a bishop, and as we have only one Bishop in Denmark he can't be kept anonymous for long.

    3 af Ugleungerne ministrerede, det vil sige hjalp præster og biskop med at holde bøger, lys osv. Piraten var med for kun 3. gang og klarede det med glans.
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Three of the Owlts served mass, and the Pirate did well even if it was only his third time doing so.

Efter messen så vi lidt på kirken, og Uglemor ledte efter og fandt dette portræt.
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After mass we looked at the church and said a prayer or two and lit some candles. MotherOwl went searching and found this portrait: 

     Efter messen gik vi en tur og kastede et blik ind i et meget specielt vaskeri.
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After mass we went for a walk and look what we saw through a window. A very special laundry place :)

     Og nu har alle nok gættet, at vi var i Rom. Anledningen til valfarten var, at det den 23. oktober var 25 år siden at Niels Steensen blev saligkåret. På det øverste billede står >Spirillen med et tørklæde med hans bispevåben.
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By now everybody have surely guessed that we were in Rome. It vas a pilgrimage to celebrate that blessed Nicolaus Steensen, the first Danish saint after the reformation was beatified 25 years ago. In the top picture Marsupilami is holding a scarf with his emblem.

To be continued ...

3 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Oh I enjoyed this post a lot and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your pilgrimage. The Mass sounded very special. The church looks magnificent. You only have one bishop in Denmark? That's hard to imagine. I didn't realise the Church is so small in Denmark. I like the photos of your family. Are your boys tall? And blonde? So different from us! (We're really short.) Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  2. We enjoyed the pilgrimage no end. To be in a catholic country and experiencing that which we figth to give our children as a naturl part of life. Like a a breath of fresh air for the soul.
    Denmark is a very large diocese - if you count in square metres, as Greenland is included. It's only when it comes to persons we're very small. 30-40,000 catholics in Denmark all included, one Bishop, 47 priests 3 deacons, 4 monks and God only knows how many nuns.
    The Writer is almost 2 metres tall, I am 176 cm and the biggest boy, Trolli, somewhere in between, until now none has grovn bigger than the Writer, although I fully expect Marsupilami to reach the two metre mark. Are you a family of hobbits? Thats what the Writer and I call short, nice people who loves cakes.
    As they get older their hair grows darker. All were white-blonde as small, but now only the Pirate is still blonde, Marsupilami has a red tone to his hair, I always hoped for a redhead, and he reminds me a bit of your childhood photo including freckles. The story will continue for I hope a week to come. And yes we had a wonderful time.

  3. Uglemor,

    Most of us are short and we all like cake! I am 155 cms tall and all the girls are a similar height or sightly shorter, except for Gemma-Rose who still has lots of growing to do. We already call her a hobbit because she has very big feet!


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