torsdag den 11. juli 2024

Weather Whining! ~ WfW July 10

Is this summer?

Mimi at Messymimi's Meanderings has written s funny, witty and sunshiney post today - but oh, it makes me long for real summer and icecream cones.

We're already two full weeks and a bit into the Summer holidays and even past summer solstice, for heaven's sake, but we STILL have measly 17 degress. The sky is dull and cloudy and we see drizzle now and again.

We should be outside moaning a bit in the heat, collecting sunrays and memories as a comfort against the coming winter.

If this continues - and the forecast looks bleak - we're in for a winter with an upswing of seasonal depressions once again.

This is the weather forecast from YR.NO the Norwegian TV (NRK) and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute -- no, I have no idea how this turns into YR. It uses the same data as does the Danish ones, but its user interface is less bad.
Ever since went offline the weather has been lousy. We hope for a return in the fullness of time.

And for this sorry piece, I used all the written prompts for this week's Words for Wednesday, given by me, but not the photo.


This photo from Spencer Gurley, Pexels

10 kommentarer:

  1. I am sorry you aren't getting the summer you hoped for. Our winter is greyer and warmer than usual. No frozen bubbles this year - and time is running out.

    1. Warm and grey winters are also bad. I think we human beings need seasons.
      I'm sorry for no frozen bubbles. Some days ago we visited a circus, and one of the artists made bubbles within bubbels, and I thought of you and how they would look frozen.

  2. We've had a cool summer as well on our travel adventure. But the scenery has certainly made up for it. Hopefully it warms up for you soon!

    1. Cool is OK. More so when travelling. I'm happy to hear of your adventures.

  3. I think the picture can tie in, the cloudy sky matches the weather you're having. Summer isn't summer without the heat, I guess.

    Have a lovely day

    1. Summer isn't summer without some sun, cloudy and/or rainy all the time is mood-destroying.

  4. I'm sorry your summer is not very warm and wish we could send you some of our heat.

    1. If only you could send me a day or two - preferably a whole week - of uninterruped sunshine, I would not ask for more. It's the drizzle, rain and showers, and not being able to work in the garden or even go shopping without getting more or less soaked that gets me.

  5. I wish I could send some sunshine, even if your temepratures are cool a bit of sun for a day or two makes a lot of difference.

    1. Thank you, and yes exactly. It is the no sunshine that worries me. We need to "fill up" with sunlight against the darkness of winter ahead, and cloudy, rain etc. almost every day means we do not get to relax - like when we were small, and school holidays were one unbroken row of sunlit days - they were not, but it felt like it because the rainy ones were far and far between.


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