Mens DMI tager en ny supercomputer i brug, kan vi ikke få læselige vejrmeldinger ... gad vide, hvad der sker efter sommerferien?
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This is what meets us at (BetterWeather), the legible weather forecasts.
The forecasts are suspended while DMI (Danish Meteorological Institiute) starts up a new Supercomputer. What will happen later? Your guess is as good as mine. But this is all we have all summer long.
Sigh. How I wish that 'they' would not take away the old before the new and improved version was ready to launch.
SvarSletYes, and "new and improved" so often is not.
SletAs Grandpa sometimes says, "What a way to run a railroad!"
SvarSletWhat a way indeed
SletComment freed from Spam-Prison.
SletI am ignoring the weather predictions here, it is winter so I know I will be cold and that's all I need to know. For now.
SvarSletHehe, smart. Here it's still spring, and I'd like to know if I have to water my garden or rain will fall tomorrow, if frost is over, so I can plant my zucchini and sow my nbeans, if I have to bring some rain gear vhen I go shopping - by bike (we have no car), and Sunday is our yearly "pilgrimage" with outdoor mass ;) Lots of reasons to look at a weather prediction.