søndag den 19. september 2021

Sunday Selection - Golden Edition

Golden candlesticks, golden cloth and a newly ordained deacon. The golden mitre belongs to our bishop, the bishop of Copenhagen, and the only Catholic bishop of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe isles (he has one of the worlds largest dioceses when measured in square kilometres).
It was a golden day!

Linking up with Sunday Selection, hosted by Elephant's Child and Life in Colour, hosted by HeyJude, where the colour of the month is golden.

4 kommentarer:

  1. DEFINITELY golden. I am quite sure that a very large diocese presents challenges. Thank you for joining us again.

    1. The challenges are mostly of practical nature eg. travel time and having enough priests for the many small parishes, as in numbers our diocese is not bigger than a small Italian (or, I suppose Australian) one. Around 50,000 from a population of 6 millions.

  2. There is much pagentry in these ceremonies.

    1. Yes and no, There sure is much, but none of it is for its own sake. All of it is meaningful. And you can hear from the wordings that some of the parts hail way back in time, maybe even back to the apostles.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.