mandag den 27. september 2021

Poetry Monday :: Ask a Stupid Question

  We've always been taught that no question is stupid.
  But I think nonetheless that the question asked in this song is stupid. Because you can't truthfully answer in the affirmative:

Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Brother John, Brother John,
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

Mester Jacob, mester Jacob!
Sover du, sover du?
Hører du ej klokken?
Hører du ej klokken?
Bim, bam, bum. Bim, bam, bum!

And I'm sorry not to be more creative and so on for this Poetry Monday.
I'm having neck troubles, leading to dizziness, drastically diminishing my computer time and my fun.

Next Mondays topic: Golf 

9 kommentarer:

  1. I am so sorry to read of your neck problems. Look after yourself please. We will miss you but your well being is MUCH more important.

  2. I hope you feel better soon Charlotte. I hated learning that song in school but when we sang it in "rounds" it sounded so much better.


  3. I've always wondered about that song!
    I always wanted to add a second verse:
    Soon be weeping,
    Soon be weeping,
    Brother John.
    Brother John.
    Dad will soon be zinging,
    And your ears be ringing,
    Get going. Gone!
    Get going. Gone!

    1. Hm, I must admit that I do not understand your additional verse at all :( Unless I have to understand that it's your brother the song is about, and not a monk ;)

  4. My friend, i'm sorry to hear about your pain and hope it is gone soon. Now that you mention it, the question in this song is a bit silly.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. It seems to be also stress related, and that is a hard nut to crack.

  5. I remember my science teacher telling us there is no such thing as a stupid question because if we don't ask, how will we learn? He was a good teacher.


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