mandag den 16. august 2021

Share and Warn - Blogger at it again!

If you know any bloggers under 18, this is relevant. Please share with communities, friends and family.

Det betyder på dansk, at alle bloggere under 18 mister blogadresse og blogindhold den 1. september. Del, fortæl om det og tag en back-up af jeres blog!

9 kommentarer:

  1. How weird is this (I know none such young blogger, but this is... crazy?).

    1. I do not either ... or I don't know, People writing and drawing can be any age.
      Crazy is probably the best way to describe Blogger's workings at the moment. Stay tined for more!

  2. Sigh. I wonder why. Thanks for the warning.

    1. I guess neither you nor I are going to be affected by this - we both turned 18 long ago ;) But if you know someone under 18 and blogging a warning would be in its place - a co-blog-owner over 18 saves the blog.

  3. Is there a way to back up a blog, say to a drive device or something?

    1. under settings, the 3rd group of possibilities from the bottom will allow you to back up the contents of your blog on your harddisk or wherever you like - in a format understandable for blogger. That way you'll be able to import the contents to a new blog - or your old one in case it is deleted. I do this when I remember to.

    2. Thank you! Just did that, and i hope it worked correctly.

  4. I think this means kids 18 and under will not be able to access Blogger from school computers, (K-12 edu domains) and that is a good thing. They can do their blogging and internet surfing from their home computers, the school ones are for schoolwork and learning.

    1. Only? Well that would be nice, kind of. But here many children only have the computer that the school lends them (Public schools being free and having to put at the disposal of children any learning materials needed for going to school - pencils excepted). This would exclude the poor ones from blogging at all. Not fair.


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