mandag den 9. august 2021

Poetry Monday :: Cats again

     I mandags skrev jeg om katte, hvor temaet faktisk var isbåde eller is-sandwiches. Jeg skriver ikke om is-sandwiches i dag heller, hvor temaet faktisk er katte. Ikke mindst fordi jeg aldrig har brudt mig om kikse-ting, hverken som slik eller i is.
     Til gengæld har jeg skrevet et ret deprimerende. men sandfærdigt digt om den eneste kat, jeg nogensinde har ejet.
     Jeg siger på forhånd undskyld til mine hårdtprøvede læsere.
  Last Monday I wrote about Cats instead of  Icecream sandwiches which was actually the theme.
  I am not going to write of ice cream sandwiches for several reasons. The last, but not least of these being my intense dislike for everything biscuity in my candy or icecream.
  The prompt for today is Cats, and I apologise in advance and ask my poor, strained readers to bear with me for a depressing, but truthful poem of the only cat, I ever owned.

I once had a cat
It was stupid as that,
It was inbred, and half blind and dumb,
It got caught between things
It got caught up in strings,
And its fur once was filled up with gum.

Oh but we loved that cat,
even stupid and that.
It had kittens alas with it's dad.
They were dumber than dumb
Even worse than their mum.
In the end they were put down as bad.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now let's hope for more positive and lighthearted poems next Monday as we tackle Tell a Joke

Upcoming topics:
Wind (August 23)
Monsters (August 30)
Shoes (September 6) From Mimi
Defy Superstition Day (September 13) Also from Mimi
Remembering 8-Tracks (September 20) Another Mimi

7 kommentarer:

  1. That is a truly sad poem (but I think that any stupidity is sad). Very sad.

    1. Those cats were really a pain to try and keep out of harm. They ran headlong into anything, Narrow corners, water-filled pools ... you name it. They were very inbred. Their father (and uncle and granddad etc. all rolled into one) was the only intact male cat in the neighbourhood. He chased off all other, and kept his harem for himself, with catastrophic consequenses for his offspring.

  2. So sorry that your one experience was a bad one.

    1. Yes it was rather off-putting. My sister later had a cat - much like a real life Garfield ;)

  3. Svar
    1. Yup, the old tomcat died not much later, ant this was good for all kittens born thereafter.

  4. Such inbreeding is very sad. Here there was a feral colony of cats that became inbred, but all were finally caught, fixed, and allowed to live in the area they were used to with people feeding them daily. The very last kitten born was Uno, and i bottle raised him. He was very slow witted, but sweet and loving and got a good home with someone who understood that he would never be quite right.


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