tirsdag den 3. august 2021

Plantefarvning -- Plant Dye

På vejen hjem i fredags fandt jeg en sjov busk, som jeg ville prøve at plantefarve med. Jeg fandt gryde frem, plukkede stokroser i haven, ribbede 3 syreplanter for deres frø og fandt et par nedfaldne valnødder på græsplænen. Uglemor og Skribenten var inderligt enige om at de skulle i farvegryden og IKKE blive til valnøddesnaps, som vi synes smager som der lugter hos en tandlæge. Bare nej tak.

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  On my way home this Friday I found a funny bush. I wanted to try some of the leaves for plant dyeing. Sunday I found glasses, wool, my wonderful pot, and went for a walk in the garden where I picked hollyhocks, red and white, I found some walnuts that had fallen in the storm, and the Writer and I agreed that they were so not going to be made into walnut gin, as we find it tastes like a visit to the dentists. Into the dyepot they went. And then three stalks of sorrel seeds, nice and ripe. They were put into glasses with 0, 2 or 4 teaspoons of washing soda, to alter the pH of the dye bath. 
   Her er et billede af de tre glas syrefrø: fire teskefulde soda, to teskefulde soda og ingen soda. Forskellen er tydelig.
4 teaspoons, 3 teaspoons and 0 teaspoons of baking soda. The difference is clearly visible.

Gryden efter en time. Glasset i midten indeholder valnødder. Det sker ofte, at garn, farvet med friske valnødder, har en grønlig farve eller skær, når det lige tages op af gryden. Det forsvinder senere, og jeg gætter på det skyldes at garnet iltes.
The pot after one hour - clockwise from bottom left: Dark hollyhocks, white hollyhocks, sorrel with 4 tspn soda, sorrel with 2 tspn soda, and sorrel without soda. In the middle walnuts.
It happens often, mostly with fresh walnuts, that the yarn takes on a greenish tinge when taken from the pot. This colour always turns brow or black later - I guess oxidation.

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     Kan I se, hvad jeg har glemt?
     Ja, de blade, jeg ville teste, de ligger stadig på mit skrivebord - Øv, sådan går det, når man er forkølet (og nej, det er ikke Corona, børnene fik det af nogen, de var sammen med, og alle er testet negative. Og vi er alle færdigvaccinerede, undtagen Piraten, der får sidste skud på lørdag).  Vi farver igen i morgen.

  Do you see, what I forgot? 
  Yes, the red leaves, I was going to try out. This is what happens, when you're having a cold (and no, it's not Corona. My children who gave it to me, and their friends who gave it to them, have all been tested negative. And we're all done with our vaccinations except the youngest). We dye again tomorrow.

De fine, røde blade.
The pretty, red leaves.

Og næste morgen hev jeg garnet op af gryden. Det så sådan her ud:
And next morning I pulled the yarn from the pot. It looked like this:
De grønne områder vil langsomt blive brune ligesom resten af det valnøddefarvede. De to syrefrø-portioner med 0 or 2 teskefulde soda er ikke blevet særligt spændende, og det med 4 teskefulde er blevet citrongult. Jeg havde forventet orange. De to kedelige partier bliver nok overfarvet.
The green parts will slowly turn brown like the rest of the walnut dyed yarn. And the two glasses with sorrel seeds and none or 2 teaspoons of soda yielded a very drab colour. The one with four teaspoons soda gave the lemon yellow, I expected orange. Some kind of over dyeing will happen.

7 kommentarer:

  1. It's always so fascinating to me to see your experiments, i hope the red turns out to be worth doing a second day of work.

  2. Gorgeous colours. I really like those yellow shades, and that soft blue grey. I hope your cold disappears quickly. They make a person feel miserable out of all proportion to the severity of the illness don't they?

  3. I like the blue yarn and the yellow shades. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. How absolutely lovely Charlotte, those colours are wonderful. I love the blueish and the yellowish particularly.

    I hope you recover from your cold. We are all thinking how great our masking has been to prevent colds and flu.


  5. Just checking in. Are you ok? I have missed your comments and your posts.

    1. Thank you EC,
      Yes I'm still alive and kicking. This "man-flu" is just a toughie. I'll be back!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.