fredag den 12. marts 2021

Sæbe - Soap

     På indkøb var der tilbud på hampefrøolie. Det skulle jo være sundt. Og det er det nok også, men for mig smager det som bunden af et papegøjebur, så det måtte blive til en sæbe i stedet.
     Først måtte jeg dog lave en ny sæbeform, for jeg havde en idé. Jeg havde købt en silikonegrydelap med bitavlemønster. Den skulle bruges i bunden af formen. Jeg ville skære den over, og komme den i bunden af min normale sæbeform, Men efter at Skribenten havde overbevist mig om det fornuftige i det, byggede jeg altså i stedet en ny form rundt om grydelappen.

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  A new soaping mould was necessary. While shopping, I bought some down priced hemp seed oil. It is very healthy, people say. I tasted it. It might be healthy, but it tastes like a parrot cage smells. Uff. No, not going to happen. I turn it into a soap.
  Some time ago I found this pot holder. Made from silicone and with a bee hive pattern. In the beginning I wanted to cut it in half and place it in the bottom of my old soap mould. The Writer convinced me that building a new mould round the pot holder was the better part of wisdom.

     Her er så formen med grydelappen nede i bunden. Lige parat til at hælde sæben i. Den er super-enkel. En plade, som de to af siderne er skruet fast på. Det er dem til højre og venstre på billedet her. De to andre sider er så skruet fast på de faste sider, og kan tages af.

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  Mould ready for soap. It's a super simple thing A bottom with two sides fastened with screws; those are the ones right and left in this photo. The other two sides are fastened to those two - also with screws - and can be taken off.

     Ingredienserne: Kaustisk soda til sæbelud (der skal tilsættes vand), kokosolie med bivoks på toppen, den ækle hampefrøolie og svinefedt i gryden.

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     Ingredients: NaOH for lye (add water), cocoa oil, the two yellow 'muffins' on top are bees wax,  then the nasty hemp seed oil and tallow in the pot.

     Så smelter alle de glade olier nede i gryden. Medens sæbeluden køler af under emhætten.

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  All the happy oils melting in the pot while the lye water is cooling down under the hood.

     Hæld luden i de smeltede olier, bland godt, rør, rør igen og rør lidt mere. Og hæld så den stadig flydende sæbemasse i formen.

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  Mix the lye water into the oils when they have melted, mix well, stir, stir again and stir some more. And pour the raw, still liquid soap into the mould.

     Den dufter godt! Og ikke spor af papegøjebur. Jeg glæder mig til at se resultatet om et par dage.

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   It smells nice! And not from deceased parrots at all. I wonder how it will look when I demould it.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I hope it is lovely - and am very, very glad that you eradicated the 'past parrot' smell.

    1. Oh, your words make me think of the old joke "What do you call a dead parrot? A polygon!" I read it in The Four Storey Mistake - and translated word for word into Danish it was not funny at all. One day, as I was grown and knew lots of English, it re-surfaced, I translated it back into English, and broke out laughing in the middle of a dull car ride - much to the amazement of my co-passengers.
      As to the soap, I'll know in six week's time, when the soap has cured.

  2. Can't wait to see your soap unmoulded and cut.

  3. It looks beautiful, and i am sure it smells wonderful.


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