søndag den 7. marts 2021

Nyanskaffelser - New Arrivals

     I julegave fik Uglemor to fine kopper. De havde bare en dum facon, smallere i bunden. Når Uglemor bliver entusiastisk - og det sker jævnligt - taler hun med hænderne også, og så sker det, at kopperne vælter når de har den facon. Uf.
     Til gengæld spiser Uglemor med stor fornøjelse chirasuzushi (sushi, der ikke er rullet, men bare i en skål - kan også forklares som pokébowl på japansk 😉), og til det formål elsker hun at have forskellige skåle (og spisepinde). Så kopperne blev byttet til en skål, samme stel, samme farve. Blå selvfølgelig.

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For Christmas MotherOwl was gifted with two nice cups, only they were narrower at the bottom, than at the rim. This is no good for an enthusiastic, knitting and so on MotherOwl, often resulting in overturned cups ans spilled coffee.
   On the other hand MotherOwl likes to eat chirasuzushi (spread out sushi - think a Japanese Pokébowl 😉), and for this she is always huntíng for bowls (and chopsticks). The cups went back to the - finally opened - shop, and a bowl came home instead, same design, same colour. Blue, of course.

   Lige inden butikkerne lukkede fik Ugemor øje på nogle sjove vandkander inde i byen. De ligner, ja thekande møder vandkande eller noget i den stil. Og så var de rare at holde på. Men Uglemor var med bussen og havde tunge poser. "Dem køber jeg da bare næste gang," tænkte Uglemor, men så lukkede verden. I mandags, da det hele lukkede op, gentog scenariet sig. Uglemor gik forbi de sjove vandkander, men med alt for mange indkøb. Der var stadig mange af dem - og de var kommet på tilbud!
     Et par dage senere fik Uglemor kørelejlighed til byen. Vi skulle lige til at køre hjem, da Uglemor kom i tanker om vandkanderne. Der var EN grøn tilbage, så nu kan Uglemor vande med Tante T og onkel K til sommer.

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  Some days before the latest lockdown, MotherOwl saw some funny watering cans in town, they looked like the result of a meeting between an old fashioned teapot and a watering can. But MotherOwl's hands were filled up with shopping bags.  "Well, I'll just buy them after Christmas," then lockdown happened. When the shops once again opened, MotherOwl had a deja-vu. Passing the funny watering cans with hands filled by heavy bags. And the watering cans had been marked down. Lots of them still.
  Some days later a neighbour offered MotherOwl a ride to town for shopping. We had started the journey back when suddenly MotherOwl remembered the watering cans. I hollered and we went there. Only one green one was left! Now MotherOwl can water her plants, using Aunt T and Uncle K (Watering can starts with K in Danish). 
 Onkel K den grønne og Tante T den blå vandkande under Uglemors røde hasselbusk.
 Uncle K the green, and Aunt T the blue watering can underneath MotherOwl's red hazel bush.

And with this green Uncle K watering can surrounded by the first green leaves of the first pring flowers, Eranthis hyemalis, I'm linking up with HeyJude at Travel Words. The colour for March is green!

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This also counts as a Sunday Selections post!  Go to Elephant's Child to learn more.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I am also clumsy.
    Love your bowl but my gardening self is even more taken with the watering can. Yay spring (which I know you have been longing for).

    1. Yes I'm longing for spring. As I just said to Laurie these nothing days are taking the spirit out of me. Thankfully we have had some sun recently. But windy, chily winds and a max of 5 degrees. It's not spring yet - I might behave as if. I'm in denial about this murky excuse for winter.

  2. It is luckily quite sturdy. I am also clumsy, but I love beautiful things and will enjoy them while they last.
    Snow, yes please, If I could exchange some of my dreary, cludy, murky, not-quite-raining, but +2 Celsius days that is late (and early and middle) winter here, for some real snow and frost, I'd be so happy. I love seasons. not these "no real weather" days. Spring is still a month or more away. Wh have some sunny days now and then and I enjoy them to the core.

  3. I would prefer cups to be the same width all the way through as narrow bottoms are hard to clean.

    Those watering cans are cute, they remind me of the 1950's somehow, maybe its their shape or the curves.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Agree on that account too.
      Yes they are old fashioned, but so am I ...

      Thanks, and the same to you.

  4. Trading cups you cannot use for a bowl you can sounds wise.

    That is a very nice watering can.

    1. Thank you. Trading Christmas gifts is almost a sprt in Denmark, I participated for the first time ;)


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