mandag den 22. marts 2021

Poetry Monday :: World Poetry Day

Once again - like Pi(e) day - we're celebrating a day that really was yesterday, but it's too good to not celebrate.

A whole day just for poetry,
- there is no rhyme for poetry?
It almost rhymes with grocery
and also with a rowan tree.

This is a crazy thing indeed
That for this word we really need
a rhyme. No matter how we plead
we'll never do the deed.

A rhyme on poetry is lost?
I have to give up, at any cost
I'll never have my rhyme.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coming up:
Something on a Stick Day (March 29)
Read a Road Map Day (April 5)
Favourite invention (From Mimi) (April 12)
National Garlic Day (April 19)
The ocean or beach (From Mimi) (April 26)
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3)

9 kommentarer:

  1. My poems (when I write them) very rarely rhyme. I love that there is a day to celebrate poetry - and wish it was more frequent.

    1. I hope to read more of your poems, and I agree one day is not enough. Maybe that is why Poetry Monday was invented :D

  2. Rhyme or not, you did better than me, Charlotte. I'm sorry to say that I have to pass this week as work on the house and garden have had to take priority. I hope to do something for next week. I like your rhyming poetry with grocery and Rowan tree!

    1. Thank you. House and garden work happening here too, but it is cold, so I have to get war´m inside now and then. I love those not-quite-rhymes.

    2. PS. I'm sorry to hear that you did not write any poem, I always love to read them.

  3. You did very well, i like it!

  4. HA! Well done!
    The world simply cannot have enough poetry in my humble opinion!
    'Poetry for all!' is my battlecry!


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