mandag den 12. august 2019

Poetry Monday :: A Childhood Hero

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey have been keeping the chair warm for Diane of On the Alberta/Montana Border  who has now returned in splendour. Her first theme is A Childhood Hero.
I did not have one childhood hero, but a pair.  
The verse is not good, bit it is what I was able to put together. Tuesday was library day in my childhood.

My childhood heroes lived inside a book
They were brave, they were fearless, they had what it took.
They climbed up a mountain so terribly tall
and then wrote a book on their brush with the wall.
I read of their merits, and all through the night
I dreamed of oxygen bottles, snow blindness, and fright.
My mother who came in to hear what I said
Heard me talking of 3000 feet and aid
She forbade me to read,
but I never agreed.
So I secretly read
of the dangers they met.
Every Tuesday I sought out a new book
About Hilary and Tenzing and the route that they took.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Worthy heroes, those men who conquered mountains. Well done!

  2. I think you did an amazing job, MotherOwl. Well done. I liked the lines "She forbade me to read/but I never agreed" - I wonder how many of us avid readers did the same :)

    I have a question for you. Would you like to be included in taking turns to provide topics for Poetry Monday? You are welcome to do so, or you can simply contribute a poem whenever you wish. Please let me know?

    1. Thanks Jenny.
      And no, I'm not going to supply topics for Poetry Monday. Two reasons. 1. I'm going to be crazy busy for the next couple of months at least. 2. and most important, it seems that Diane is back im full, providing topics - even in ryhymed form. I can't compete.

    2. No pressure! I just didn't want to leave you out if you wanted to provide topics! Thanks for the quick reply.

  3. Fortunately no-one EVER forbade me to read. Like you, I could never have agreed.
    Loved this.
    And yes, they were heroes. I mourn that Tenzing's accomplishment didn't receive the same acclaim as Hilary's though.

    1. I think my mom thought I was too young - looking back I probably was. I taught myself reading skills at the tender age of 3, and read about mountaineering etc. before even attending school.
      To my young eyes those two were best mates and inseparable co-heroes. I never got that one was supposed to be inferior. The unfamiliarity with either language made both names equally exotic to me ;)


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