onsdag den 14. august 2019

A Grumpy WoW Player

I needed a break, and as love doing almost all kinds of Quests and stuff in World of Warcraft, I logged in on my poor suffering main, Bredil. But it was a short lived pleasure, as I just hate being thwarted in my attempts to have fun.
I'll show you just what I mean.

1st photo:
Here I am, once again back in the test version of WoW Classic.
I had reached level 15 (max. for this test). I had crafted, fought for, bought or quested for the best armor and weaponry you could have.
I had not done much cooking, the Savory Deviate Delight was given to me by a nice player. Thank you!
Now I wanted to see, how tough I really was.
The colour of the Quest's name in the log, tell me how hard they are to complete. This one is red. That means either group up or prepare to die - a lot.
I called my pet, Scorpy, and together we were just able to handle two of those bad ass Bristlebacks at the same time. My chance of gathering 60 Quillboar Tusks before the servers closed for good were non-existent. But in 12 days plus some more for leveling this far again, I'll do it!

2nd photo:
Back in Battle for Azeroth, my main has been fooling around. He was beset by this expansion's Quillboars, Briarbacks, and got himself a bunch of Quills. The info-text tells him that Hobbs might be interested. He went in search of Hobbs.
But as he finally found the Quillboar enthusiast, he was in for a nasty surprise. Hobbs wanted nothing to do with him or his quills.
Arrows point from the Quills' flavour text, to Hobbs, to the empty slots (nothing to sell).
A search at the helping hand site - Wowhead - told me why.
The last, topmost arrow points to the explanation for his misery. He's not yet level 120!

The key words here are: getting honored with Storm's Wake - which of course you cannot do until you reach level 120 and can do world Quests.
I exited the game.

Now only 295 hours left.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hoping things turn out better next time.

    1. Unfortunately it's not me having bad luck. It is the game mechanics as such that has been changed. I am going to get thwarted in my efforts every time I try to go my own ways. The freedom of choice, and the difficult, yet fun gameplay that once were the hallmarks of this game has gone. Sorry to be old, and grumpy.


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