torsdag den 20. juni 2019

Words for Wednesday: Unicorn Farm - Lessons.

In June 2019 Elephant's Child is providing the prompts. This week's prompts are two lovely photos of Sunshine over water. Beautiful as they are, they did not put my brain in gear for anything more than relaxing in a hammock.   But the Wednesday before last, AKA June 5th, I missed the prompts. Maybe I could use those now?
The prompts from June 5 are:




Those prompts spoke to me, like EC's prompts normally do, and I wrote this small glimpse of everyday life at the Unicorn Farm.

Susan pulled the lever. Nothing happened. She had expected an immediate effect on the fire in the oven where the potions were brewing. "Knud," she called out, "Could you help me. This thing seems to be stuck." Knud came to her aid, and together they succeeded in opening the big oven. A fragrance like sunshine over golden feathers wafted from the phials in the oven.
"Wow, Susan, you seem to have done it. My potions smelled like something had gone bad."
"I'm still dubious," Susan said. "Between Kirsti and Rósa brewing poison and your rotten potion, I begin to doubt any of us will ever make this stuff come out right. I am tempted to go and get Helge or one of the other nice Swedes from the blue team come and help us. I don't understand why we all have to learn all branches of magic, not only the ones we're adept in."
"Yes it is hard, I admit," Knud said with a sigh, "but I'm sure we are all becoming better witches and wizards from not concentrating solely on transformation, potions, invocations or what else we're best at."

4 kommentarer:

  1. How I love this continuing story. And yes, learning it all makes sense to me, even if some aspects are much harder to master.

    1. I'm sure Susan would admit that it makes sense as well, at least when she is not buggered by potion-brewing or flying (even worse than potions).

  2. As with learning so many subjects in regular school, it makes for a better all around education that you at least know a little of many things.

  3. 'A fragrance like sunshine over golden feathers' - not quite sure what that smell like but it sounds nice. It's mostly the feather part that I seem to not get.

    I like the idea of learning to do things that you are not good at. Perhaps you might discover you could get better at it.

    Have a lovely day.


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