mandag den 17. juni 2019

Poetry Monday :: Mail

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Mail (courtesy of Jenny).

Normally I make a post the moment the new theme is announced. That way I can let my subconscious worry the theme, and normally sometimes during the week an idea, or sometimes even a poem surfaces.
This time the writing has been hard work. The idea came to me almost immediately, from the small vignettes and smileys you can choose from to adorn your posts, but the writing ... it took me days. I am afraid I'm breaking a couple of grammar rules this time round.
I hope the poem does not reek too much of sweat and toil, but of happiness and joy.

     -- 📧 --

You've got mail, you've got mail
Oh, these words always hail
me, every time I turn on my PC.

But the mail that I got
Is not mail - no it's not!
It is messages only, you see!

There's one from a bank,
Is it true? Oh but, thanks
14 bitcoins are waiting for me.

And a place where I bought
once a book, think I ought
to invest all my money for free.

There's mail from a friend.
Should we meet once again.
But alas, I don't know you at all.

     -- 📬 --

Then one day the flag's hoist
Yes I swear eyes went moist
It's a letter and not just a call.

First I read avidly
Swallow words rapidly
Then I sit down and read them again.

Oh so slowly I fold
Letter, worth more than gold
I just love to have mail from a friend.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I too love to have a 'real letter'. And messages and bills DO. NOT. COUNT. I should write more letters too...

  2. That lovely feeling of gulping a letter, then reading it more slowly - you have described it perfectly! And like EC, I should write more. I am getting inspired to do just that.

  3. Yes, real letters are scarce and precious and maybe if i wrote more of them i'd receive more of them!

  4. Thank you for your comments - I still need to come back into the commenting habit again. It is hard, writing real letters are even harder, this might be why it does not happen as often as we think it ought to.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.