mandag den 24. juni 2019

Poetry Monday :: Portals Updated!

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Portals (courtesy of Delores).

Portals had me baffled. The long walk did not help me any. But a soak in my tub after mowing the lawn set my mind right.
Of course for me there can be only one portal. 


The portal - my portal - led to Unicorn Isle
Oh I'd love to go through it and stay for a while.
To meet Heidi and Knud, even Percy again
To run through those fields in the bright morning sun.
To wield my old wand, and to do magical spells.
But I'm old now and grey, and so are they all,
The teachers are greyer, if they are not dead.
I just can't return now. So I hang my head.

The wands are all broken, the magic is lost.
In Midsummer's heat I feel touched by the frost.
My portal is shattered, and where once it lay
Stands a kindergarten where small children play.
The walnut is chopped down, the meadow is gone,
The people who live there have fenced in their lawn.
Though my mind tells me no, as long as I live
In my unruly heart shards of hope will thrive.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Good luck! I had trouble with this at first also.

  2. Hopefully a portal will open for you. Enjoy your walk.

    1. Thanks, the walk was fine, but entirely without portals.

  3. Oh, yes. Excellent. It lives on always in your hope and your memory.

  4. Very evocative, MotherOwl. I know of places I would like to go back to and they no longer exist as well. But we can use the portal in our mind - our memory - to visit there now and then, right?

    Is the picture of you? A very pleasant looking lady, in any case!

    1. Thank you. I try to use the portal in my mind as you call it for the writing of Unicorn Farm.
      And yes, that's me posing as Susan at the cliffs. Thank you for your kind words.

  5. This is melancholy and truly lovely. I can think of a number of places/times I would like to revisit. Gone now, but the memories remain. Echoing jenny_o about the photograph too.

    1. We do not need only a portal, but a portal with a built-in timemashine I suppose. Memory is unfortunately not always to be trusted. And thanks on the Photo, because yes, that's Susan or rather me.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.