tirsdag den 2. januar 2018

TUSAL Ekstra - opdateret

     Alle stumperne fra 2017s TUSAL er nu endt i to temari. Inden i den mindste er der en lille bjælde. Den får et asanoha-mønster i lilla og ender nok som en forsinket nytårsgave - jeg begyndte i det mindste på den nytårsdag.  Den store er jeg ikke helt klar over endnu.

  - o 🌕 o -

All the ORTs from the TUSALs of 2017 has ended up in two temari. The smallest one has a bell inside. It will eventually get a asanoha pattern in purple and be given as a belatde newyears gift. It was begun on the first of January.

Heldigvis fortsætter Daffycat også næste år  med --  TUSAL -- is to contimne at Daffycat's next year as well!
I dag er  det fuldmåne. Den er der to af i januar i år.
Today is the full moon, one of two in January.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, you *do* things with your orts - that's cool! Mine just sit in a jar.... :)

    1. My plan was to do this once a month, but my amount of ORTs did not live up to expectations, I had to wait for new year. I hope for more ORTs for you and me in the years to come.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.