mandag den 1. januar 2018

Back to the classics -- January edition

  Here is my revised list of books:

1. A 19th century classic - (published 1800 - 1899).
- Mansfield Park, Jane Austen

2. A 20th century classic (1900 - 1968).
- Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse.

3. A classic by a woman author.
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.
- Den brændende busk  (The burning Bush) by Sigrid Undset, just to tease. A well turned book by a woman author ... featuring a male hero.

4. A classic in translation.
- Ivanhoe,
- War and Peace
- Gone with the Wind
- The Odyssey

5. A children's classic.
Alle vi børn i Bulderby by Astrid Lindgren.
- Winnie the Pooh by Milne (in English).

6. A classic crime story, fiction or non-fiction.
- The Battling Prophet by:
- Cover Her Face or
- A Mind to Murder or
- Unnatural Causes or
- XXX by P.D. James
- XXX by Ellery Queen

7. A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or non-fiction.
- Seven Years in Tibet
- Daugther of the mountains
- Lost Horizons by James Hilton compare it to De grønne skyggers dal (Valley of the Green Shadows) by Poul Nørgaard. (for 9).

8. A classic with a single-word title.
- Odysseen (Οδύσσεια) by Homer. Time for a re-read. In Danish, not Greek.
- Gymnadenia by Sigrid Undset. Everybody knows Kristin Lavransdatter, but this one is maybe even better.

9. A classic with a colour in the title.
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knigth
- The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Valley of the Green Shadows by Poul Nørgaard.  (see 7)

10. A classic by an author that's new to you.
- I'll stumble across one eventually.

11. A classic that scares you.
- Dr. Zhivago! by Boris Pasternak 

12. Re-read a favourite classic
- The Lord of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

And the die was thrown. I got an 11. I'm now off in search of my old copy of Doctor Zhivago

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