lørdag den 30. januar 2016

Ugens ugle -- 4 -- Owl of the Week

Ups, det ser ud til at Uglemor har glemt en ugle. Der er ingen Ugens Ugle 3.  Undskyld
     Denne uges ugle er Haveuglen. Han var min fødselsdagsgave det år, vi boede i Tyskland. Hver forår kommer han frem fra sit vinterkvarter, udvælger sig en fordelagtig plads, hvor han slår sig ned indtil den først frost jager ham indendørs igen. Han er gammel og gnaven, han skælder Uglemor ud for det meget ukrudt, for hendes uortodokse og tilfældige haveplaner, for ikke at høste radiserne i tide og for alle de andre uregelmæssigheder i Uglemors have. Uglemor kan alligevel ikke undvære ham, han er fast inventar i Uglebo.

- o 0 o -

It seems like MotherOwl forgot an owl. There just is no Owl of the week 3. Sorry
This week's owl is the GardenOwl. He is German, and was my birthday present the year we spent in Germany. Every Spring he comes out, finds the perfect place to live, and stays there until the first frost, surveying the garden, telling off MotherOwl for her many weeds and haphazard gardening ways. He's old and grumpy, but MotherOwl cannot bear to garden without him.

Dette billede  af Haveuglen er fra marts 2014. Der var rigtig mange erantis det år.
This photo of GardenOwl was taken March 2014, a year of many eranthis.

Jeg er ikke overbevist om at Haveuglen er hankøn, der lå et æg i nærheden af ham i sommers.
I'm not at all sure GardenOwl is a he, I found an egg nearby last Summer.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    You lived in Germany for a year? How long ago was that? Did your husband travel with his work? Lots of questions! I like your German owl with his/her remarkable blue eyebrows!

    1. We lived in Germany 2003-04. My husband is a historian, and he had the chance of a study year in Germany with the family. We wholly enjoyed it, it was a really good year for us all.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.