fredag den 8. januar 2016

Ugens Ugle -- 1 -- Owl of the Week

     Som afløser for "Vejen hjem" præsenterer Uglemor nu: "Ugens ugle" Hver uge en ny (gammel) ugle. Uglemor har købt, fundet, fået, fremstillet og på mange andre måder anskaffet sig mange ugler i årets løb. Der er helt sikkert mere end 52, og dermed en til hver uge i året. I dag bringer vi den første: "Julens ugle". I Uglebo står juletræet endnu. Egentlig skulle det have været ude den 6. januar., hellig tre kongers dag, men Ugleungerne bad så sødt om det ikke godt kunne stå, til julen endte efter kirkeåret, det sker med Herrens dåb på søndag, og så får vi se, for nok er det hyggeligt med et juletræ i stuen, men det fylder altså også en hel del. 
     Julens ugle er en glasugle til juletræet. den er købt for tre år siden i et supermarked, og den passer forbilledligt på julelysene, medens de brænder ned. 

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    As a substitute for On my Way Home MotherOwl presents The Owl of the Week. For many years MotherOwl has been collecting owls. Big owls, tiny owls, wooden owls, carved owls, knitted owls, blown owls, clay owls, bought, gifted, made, but not stolen. In short a big flock of owls. Surely over 52, sufficient for an owl a week during 2016.
Today the owl is a Christmas owl. Thin, made of glass, it sits in our Christmas tree, and even though our tree is normally taken down at Epiphany, this year the Owlets begged for it to stay until the Baptism of our Lord, at which day the liturgical Christmas ends. This will happen, we all like to have a Christmas tree, but it takes up quite a lot of space.
Christmas owl watches the candles on the trees while they burn down. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I'm looking forward to seeing your owl collection!

    We keep our tree up until the Baptism of the Lord, which means we should have taken it down today (Monday). But today was very busy so we're enjoying our tree for an extra night.

    You have real candles in your tree! Have you ever had an accident with one. I hope not!

    1. Our tree is still standing. It's Monday morning. It still has almost all the needles, it is that fresh, and tht's the answer to the candles as well. We cut the tree in the days before Christmas, and put it up at the 23rd or 24rth, there's almost no danger of it catching fire - the ornaments can, and do pccanionally, catch fire. But as the tree is only lit when we're around a blackedned ornament is the worst mishap so far.
      When we take the tree down today, or tomorrow, the room will seem so bare.


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