søndag den 17. januar 2016

Drømmer jeg ... ? -- Am I dreaming ...?

     Uglemor fandt dette vidunderlige motiv på indkøb.

Shopping MotherOwl found this wonderful sign. She felt transported to the Commomwealth of Letters.

Due to theft, teh dragons are surveilled by video and chained.
If you want to buy a dragon, please ask inside the shop. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Unfortunately the shop was closed.
      But I'm afraid, I would have been disappointed. I Danish the words for "kite" and "dragon" are the same. Tomorrow I'll post a comic strip on a kindred spirit.

  2. Der er også nogen som går og hugger deres t'er

    1. Ja, man kan hverken have drager eller T'er i fred for tyveknægte nutildags ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.