torsdag den 12. november 2015

Vejen hjem -- 41 -- On my Way Home

     Tirsdag i Uglebo er nok engang udsat. Denne gang dog kun til torsdag. Men de starter jo også med T begge to
     Det er tid for at strikke varme huer og vanter, eller er det? Selvom kalenderen siger efterår og det regner og er blæsende, er det faktisk varmt.
     Uglemor begik en næsten-forbrydelse. Hun købte en hue. Den er grim, grå, lavet af et eller andet kunstmateriale, men den fik Uglemor til at grine. Der er nemlig hul til hestehalen bag i. Indlysende smart - lige til en Ig Nobelpris i Uglemors verden. Den er så tynd, at den kan være under cykelhjelmen, holde Uglemors ører varme og håret væk fra øjnene på én. Alt det for kun 19 kr.
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Tuesday in the Owlery has once again be delayed, this week only as far as Thursday - well they both begin with a T.
It's windy and the calendar says Autumn, time for the knitting of woollen socks and mittens, but it's still warm, we don't need mittens or scarves or even hats yet. MotherOwl went shopping, and did something shocking, she bought a hat. It was an ugly hat, made of grey, sleek poly-something. But there was a hole for the pony tail in the back part, It's thin, able to be worn underneath a biking helmet, and it was cheap, only 19 kroner. (How much this is in Australian, English or US currencies, I have no idea, but it's a bit less than 2 €, and around what I pay for 2 litres of organic milk, and cheaper than a bread at the baker's). 

     Hvis man vender sig ud over markerne, kan man se hvor vådt her er efter de sidste dages rigelige regn. Det lover sammen med de høje temperaturer godt for svampefund i de kommende uger. Men det er skidt for vores vasketøj, der er dagevis om at tørre.
     Hjortene fra sidste onsdag har ikke vist sig siden. Men der har været mange jægere og skud om morgenen, så måske er de blevet til aftensmad.
     Hvis Uglemor forekommer unormalt morbid, er det nok bare hendes sædvanlige før-juldepression der slår til.
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Turning to the West, you can see how wet everything is after the last days' copious amount of rain. This is good if you want to collect mushrooms, but bad for the drying of our clothes.
We've not seen the family of deer since Wednesday. But we've seen people hunting and heard shots in the morning, so maybe they have been eaten by now.
If MotherOwl sounds a bit morbid, it's just the normal preChristmas blues setting in.

 Solopgang/solnedgang: 7:38/16:10, dagens længde 8:32, aftaget 9:02

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I was curious and did the conversion. Your hat cost $3.86 (Australian).

    The 'normal pre-Christmas blues'... Do you feel down because of how commercial Christmas is? All the Christmas decorations and trees appeared in our shops a few weeks ago. It gets earlier and earlier each year. And when I see all the Christmas stuff, I start to panic: So much to do and Christmas is on our doorstep! Maybe that's what the shops want us to feel so we'll rush out and buy everything in sight!

    Also, I imagine the change in seasons, with your shorter days and cooler temperatures, might affect people's moods. Your outside actiivities have to come to an end. But I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in the warm of your house. Have you got any specific plans?

    The trees look sad without their summer clothes.

  2. Thank you for the conversion. What will that buy you?
    Pre Christmas blues is besause of the commercializing of Christmas. The shops begin selling candy and gingerbread men 11 weeks before Christmas. It's just too early ... it's before the Autumn holidays. And then Christmas is all about Santa and elves. Not a word about a baby in a manger or such ... no way. Buying Christmas cards gets harder every year. Denmark is a post-christian country. I'm not getting Christmas stress any more, not after that year in Germany with a really sick baby and nothing bougth for Christmas dinner on December 23rd - I have to tell that story sometimes.
    The seasons change is fine as yet. I like the colourful and cozy days of Autumn. It's not getting bad until spring equinox, when the days should turn longer, but everything still is dreary and bare, and I have used up all the energy from last Summer.


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