tirsdag den 24. november 2015

Vejen hjem -- 43 -- On my Way Home

     Lørdag aften kom der sne - meget sne. For en gangs skyld boede vi i det heldige hjørne af landet, hvor sneen faldt.

Saturday nigth it snowed. And it sure did. We were outside throwing snowballs and building a snowman in the dark. Sunday it still snowed, we stayed home from mass. It has been very pretty all over wiht cold nigths, 10 below zero, but now normal Danish winter has returned and the thaw has set in. By tomorrow the snow ewill be gone, but still it's pretty.

Sneflokke kommer vrimlende,                           Snowflakes come all a-tumbeling
hen over diger trimlende,                                   The trees all stand a-mumbelling
det knyger ud af himlene,                                   The load of snow is humbeling
det sluger hegn og gård,                                     Feels like it'll never cease.
det ryger ind ad sprækkerne                              It creeps in through the cracks in all
til pølserne på rækkerne,                                   It covers all our victuals
og fårene ved hækkerne                                    And sheep and other animal
får blink i pelsens hår.                                        Has scintillating fleece

Og poplerne bag mønningen                              The trees beyond our watermill
de duver dybt i dønningen,                                 Is bendings down against their will
og over stakke-grønningen                                 And over fields and over hill
omtrimler kærv og neg,                                      The sheaves come tumbling down.
det klaprer én om ørene                                     The doors and gates are clattering
fra portene til dørene,                                         The children are a-chattering
bag hvilke de små Sørene'                                  And gloves and scarves are scattering.
har rustet sig til leg.                                             They're going out of doors.

Og gammelmor i klokkerne                                And granny in her woollen skirts
med huen og grålokkerne,                                  Will tell us- as we often heard -
hun haler op i sokkerne                                      That snow and blow is getting worse.
og ser forsagt derud,                                           Beware the rimy grass!
for nu er kålen liggende,                                      She tell us that the kale will freeze
og nu står tjørnen stikkende                                That snow blowing througe hawthorn leaves
og spidder sne på piggene;                                  And children that at morning sneeze
og nu kom Kjørmes-knud!                                  Bode snow till candlemas.

Jeppe Aakjær 1916 (Written when Danes were still farmers, keeping their sausages etc in the attic or in a dedicated building)

Solopgang/solnedgang: 8:05/15:47, dagens længde 7:42, aftaget 9:51

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Snow! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were enjoying mild weather. Yes, the snow is very pretty. It makes everything look so fresh and pure. Will the snow return and settle for longer periods of time? Or will you have a pattern of snow followed by a thaw all winter long?

    1. Well, our Autumn has been unusually long and mild.
      Snow rarely gets to stay, and it has already melted. The Daniish climate is nothing if not changing. The last week gave us: Snow, frost thaw, quiet with sunshine, quiet with fog, soft winds and rain, this last day was stormy - molesting my greenhouse - with hail and rain. The sunshine but still windy. We do not have long periods of very much weather-vise here.
      I see in your latest post, that bushfire season is coming round again. We hope for no fires near you, or indeed anywhere in the coming Summer.


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