onsdag den 8. april 2015

Vejen hjem -- 14 -- On my Way Home

     Så blev det påske. Det var en helt vidunderlig påske, både vejrmæssigt - vi gravede have og gemte påskeæg i det mest charmerende, omend kølige solskin - og liturgisk - hvor vi for første gang i adsklkillige år igen oplevecde påskevigiliens betagende liturgi.Piraten sov fra alle 7 læsninger, men han oplevede påskelysets indvielse til start.

Happy Easter. It has been a wonderful Easter in The Owlery. The weather was perfect; Sunshine albeit a bit on the cold side. The liturgy of the holy Triduum was awe-inspiring and it was so good to partake in the Easter Vigil once again. The Pirate slept through most of the seven readings but was avake for the beginning and the end.

Selv om det ikke kan ses, står knopperne på spring her. 
Although it's hard to see, the buds are all ready to burst.

 Solopgang/solnedgang: 6:28/19:58, dagens længde 13:30, tiltaget 6:40

4 kommentarer:

  1. For me the top experience of the Triduum was the Easter procession at six in the morning with banners, singing along three streets around the church in the old town, and then the holy mass, with many hallelujas!

    1. That sounds like a good way of celebrating Easter. 6 in the morning sounds just like glorious and sunrise. The perfect time for an Easter mass.I still have not tried Easter in a catholic country, that must be so nice.

  2. Uglemor,

    Happy Easter! I can't find the right words to describe the Triduum. Awe-inspiring? Yes! We came home from the Vigil overflowing with joy and love. This really is the best time of year.

    I look forward to seeing leaves on your trees. Not long until that happens!

    Enjoy the Easter season!

    1. Joy-filling and awe-inspiring are equally suited to describe the Easter Vigil. Yes, it's the best time of the year. We're going to the Easter vigil every year from now :)
      Thanks for the song


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