mandag den 20. april 2015

Lørdag kom foråret -- Spring arrived last Saturday

     I lørdags, efter vores besøg på loppemarkedet, var det havetid. Uglemor flyttede alle løvstikkerne ned i det nu renoverede gamle urtebed. Det bliver så løvstikke- og myntebed fremover. Mynten flytter først ind, når den er spiret, og efter at Uglemor er sikker på at alle rødderne fra den gamle kedelige mynte er blevet fjernet fra bedet.

Last Sturday, after our trip to the second hand place, it was time for digging the garden. MotherOwl moved all the lovage to the old herb bed, that was finally renovated. It will be lovage and mint bed for years to come. But the new mint won't be mowed in until it has begun to grow, so that MotherOwl can find it and make sure that none of the old no so tasty mint remains in the old bed.

     Aftensmaden var det eneste der passer sig for den første forårsdag: løvstikkebøffer og rabarberkompot.
- o O o -
Dinner was the only menu suitable for the first day of Spring: Lovage steeped meat and rhubarb compote. The Danish variety differs slightly from the English. The rhubarbs are still whole,  or mostly so, and flavoured with vanilla. It's eaten with meat dishes.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I am interested to hear you eat your rhubarb with meat dishes. I've never tried that. Usually, we use rhubarb in pies or crumbles as a dessert. I just found a recipe for 'beef and rhubarb supper' and might try it. I have some rhubarb in the freezer (my mother grew it). Your rhubarb looks beautifully fresh and attractive. I bet it tastes wonderful!

    1. It was a mouthful of Spring. We eat rhubarb in cakes, pies etc. as well, and drink them as boiled rhubarb juice. Rhubarb cheesecake, or maybe rhubarb muffins is my favourite, rhubarb crumble sounds nice as well. From now until August we eat rhubarb at least once a week.
      This thing we eat with meat is very siple. Cut rhubarbs in small pieces, halve big stems, put a lot of sugar on top, leave for some hours, add vanilla, boil until stems are soft, but still stems (most of them, some always disintegrate when I do it). Eat with meat, pasta, chicken ... quite tasty.
      And rhubarbs are so easy to grow. Put them into the ground, water for the first couple of months, wait till next year - lots of rhubarbs. I have a big patch.


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