tirsdag den 22. juli 2014

Sidste kurv -- Last of its kind

     En sidste thepose af den gamle slags fra kirkekaffen i søndags gjorde det muligt for mig at flette denne kurv færdig - nu venter den kun på tilpas mange frøer til bund.

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A last of the pld teabags at church this Sunday allowed me to finish this basket. Now I'm only waiting for enough frogs to finish the bottom.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I like your baskets! 'Frogs' are wrappers of some kind I imagine, and not actually frogs!

    1. You're rigth. "Frogs" are the wrappers from another kind of tea-bags. I told about them, but only in Danish, in an earlitre post. I drink "frog-tea" after church every Sunday. I'll eventually have enough frogs.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.