torsdag den 21. marts 2013

Ulækker sæbe -- Yucky Soap

Lige siden jeg begyndte på at lave sæbe selv for næsten 7 år siden, har jeg gemt alle de ender og stumper der bliver tilovers når man skærer sæberne til og skærer dem pæne. De store stykker har jeg af og til skåret i 1 cm store tern og blandet i, og fået en patchworksæbe ud af det, men de små, flade, krøllede osv har bare ligget i en stor æske.
Planen var at bruge dem i en sæbe, og i dag skulle det så være. Lidt sæbe-research fortalte mig at det skulle blandes med ny sæbe 1 del stumper til 2 dele sæbe. Fint, så kunne jeg også få brugt det fedt og palmin (kokosolie), jeg købte på tilbud da julen var slut og gøre et indhug i de sæbeolier, jeg har stående.
I formiddags stod jeg så en halv times tid med sæbestumper og et rivejern indtil alle stumperne var reduceret til spåner.

- - - - - Stash Bashing -- Tøm Tønden Torsdag

Ever since I began making my own soap, I've been saving all bits and ends from cutting and bevelling and all things soap related. I always meant to use them in a soap, and today I decided to try. The bigger pieces I've sometimes cut up and mixed in a soap, resulting in a patchwork soap. But all the curls from bevelling and flattish pieces from planing of sides just lay in a big box.
Half an hours work with a grater left me with this. 

  • Syv års små  stumper reduceret til spåner. 
  • Seven year's worth of soap ends reduced to curls.
Så hentede jeg min sæbefabrik, der står i to trækasser inde i skabet i Uglehulen. Her står de pænt på deres plads. Den nederste hylde rummer vokssmelteriet i en kasse, og chokoloadestøberi i en anden kasse. På øverste hylde bor forme, og andre løsdele. Gryderne står i udtræksskuffen for neden. Alt er købt rundt omkring på tilbud eller på genbrug, eller helt gratis fra skrammelpladsen.

- - - - -

Time to fetch my soaping factory (this term covers one or two crates containing all materials used for the relevant craft except for pots. They share functions and are all in a big bottom drawer) from their place in two wooden crates on the shelves in my project room. Here they are back at their place. Below them is my bees wax factory and chocolate factory. The top shelf is filled with moulds and surplus items. Everything is either second hand, free from our recycling centre or bought at dramatically reduced price.

  • Inde i skabet.
  • At the shelves.
Palmin og svinefedt til sæbefabrikation er i køleskabet.De er pakket ind i en frysepose for ikke at samle lugte op fra mærkelige madvarer i køleskaet.

Coconut oil and lard are in the fridge, protected by a sturdy plastic bag from all the strange smells in there ;)

Fedt og palmin -- Lard and coconut oil ( Copha)

Og så blev det hele blandet sammen, palmin, fedt, olivenolie, rapsolie, bivoks, NaOH, birkesaft, amerikansk olie, alle de revne stumper og paprika for at give lidt farve. Det ligner noget ulækkert, men jeg er ret sikker på at sæben bliver god. Paprikaen mistede farven, da sæbeluden ramte den, men alle mine sæber ændrer alligevel farve undervejs i processen, og hvis den ser for klam ud, bruger jeg bare den hele selv i stedet for at sælge af den. .

Time for mixing: Olive oil, canola oil, castor oil, beeswax, lye, birch sap, all the grated curls, and paprika for colour. It made a yucky soap, as the paprika lost it's colour as it hit the lyewater. I'm sure it will come out fine in the end, almost all my soaps change colour somewhat during saponification, and if not, I'll just use it all myself instead of selling any of it.

Bvadr!  -- Yuck!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I've never made my own soap. Is home-made soap gentle? I always use goat's milk soap because I have allergies.

    It must take you a long time to write your posts twice. Thank you so much for always translating your posts into English!

    1. Home-made soap is very gentle to the skin, if you make it carefully. I use nothing else, and if I do, I get rashes and rifts in my fingers. It's not very difficult, only a bit time consuming, but if you can make custard from scratch, soaping is not a problem.
      I'm happy to be able to write my blogposts in English as well. It is gettting easier with practice. Sometimes I even have to go back to the Danish parts and add something that only popped up during the English version.
      I feel - and nov my language skills are faltering - a mixture of proud, happy and humble, that I have you as a reader, as you are the primary reason for my writing in English and through that the meeting with a bigger part of the world,

    2. Uglemor,

      "a mixture of proud, happy and humble, that I have you as a reader, as you are the primary reason for my writing in English and through that the meeting with a bigger part of the world," Now I am feeling very special. Thank you!

      May God bless you!

  2. I enjoyed your post. Hope the soap turns out! I also appreciate that you write your blog in both languages!

    1. The soaps actually turned out quite well so far. They're ligth pink with lots of small chips showing where I cut them, but they're not photogenic, at least all tries so far has turned out ugly. I have to wait 5 more weeks to try them out, and only then I'll know if they're as good as they look. I promise pictures when I have an at least moderately good one. Something with the ligths I hope.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.