tirsdag den 19. marts 2013

Snestorm? -- Blizzards?

I nyhederne har snestormen jo været blæst op til enorme dimensioner. Togene har kørt efter en særlig køreplan, og alle har været i højeste beredskab.
Her var snestormen i hvert fald mere storm end sne. Domen har fået blæst et par sider af, og vasketøjet er tørt.Børnene – og jeg – der forventede sne i store mængder, og helst så meget at man kunne forsvare at blive hjemme fra skole, er skuffede.
Det er så hyggeligt med sådan en snestorm, så man kan blive hjemme og spille og tegne sammen med mor. Og måske kunne mor så endelig få puttet nogle frø i jorden.

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The news have been full of warnings about an upcoming blizzard. Advice on what to bring in the car, and alternative plans for the trains and road clearing materiel all were ready.

And what happened? The storm arrived, yessir, it ruined a patr of my greenhouse, dried our clothes, and moved some earth from here to there. But snow? not so much.
MotherOwl and the Owlets were disappointed. We had hoped for lots of snow, maybe even so much snow that the Owlets had to stay home from school, draw and play games with MotherOwl, and maybe even get some seeds sown. But that was not going to happen.

  • Udsigten fra vores soveværelse efter "sne"stormen.
  • The view from our bedroom window after the "snow"storm. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    You said the owlery has many rooms. Is that building you can see from your bedroom window part of your house? If it is, your home must be huge!

  2. No, that building is not a part of our home. It's our neighbours' stable. I think they have 9 or 10 horses in there. We have many rooms, but most of them are quite small. Our garden is 1007 square metres, and the house about 200, but some of those are not very usable, as the top floor have places where we cannot stand uprigth because the ceiling is slanting. The house was smaller when we moved in, but so was our family. Me, Hubby and 2 children. Sice then we have had 4 more children and granddad moved in, so we had to expand the house before it burst.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.