onsdag den 19. december 2012

Adventskalender -- Advent Calendar update

  • Det har været meget svært at få et ordentligt billede for al sneen er smeltet. Snøft. Vi elsker sne.Men sådan ser vinduet ud i dag, 19. december. 
  • It has been a very difficult job to take a picture of the Advent Window. All the snow has melted and the contrast is all wrong. But this is what the window looks like December 19.
  • Istapperne - den mest eftertragtede ting overhovedet - blev trukket af Spirillen allerede den 4. december. De andre Ugleunger var skuffede, men alligevel i stand til at glæde sig sammen med ham.
  • These icicles are the most coveted ornament. Marsupilami choose the bag containing them on December 4. All the other Owlets were disappointed, but able to share his happiness.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Your snow has gone? Oh no! I hope it returns for Christmas Day. I love your Advent window. Do you put all your ornaments in bags and allow your children to take turns choosing one, each day? That is such a wonderful idea. I shall have to think about this some more. Perhaps we could do something similar.

    God bless!

  2. Yes, all the snow has melted. :( This nigth it snowed a little bit, not enough to cover everything, just a sprinkling, but we keep on hoping for more, but the radio promises frosty weather changing to rain on December 24th.
    All the ornaments are put in bags and the Owlets take turns choosing one each day except for Sundays. It is easy and festive. We hav not been doing much preparation, as the flu has hit us. Tomorrow, Friday, is last day at school, and we hope to be more preparing over the week end, finding a tree among other things.


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