tirsdag den 18. december 2012

Strikketirsdag -- Yarn Along

     Jo, det der med at skulle linke til strikkeklubben på Small Things hjalp vist. I hvert fald er skribentens vanter færdige og et nyt par til Spirillen slået op.
     Minimax ville gerne lære at strikke, så Uglemor slog op til en hue til ham. Han strikker fantastisk, både ret og vrang, uden en fejl og uden at tabe en maske. Jeg strikkede lige en omgang her til formiddag, og det var som at strikke på mit eget strikketøj. Han har virkelig flair for det. 

     I sin søgen efter en bestemt SF-novelle, "The Wall around the World" har Uglemor kastet sig over gamle antologier, og i denne antologi var der også et par andre historier, Uglemor længe havde haft lyst til at genlæse. I Ugleboet er der en stor reol med Science Fiction og Fantasy, så det er ikke lige sådan at finde en bestemt historie.
     Garnet til begge projekter kommer fra Uglemors garntønde - ja der står en hel tønde fuld af garn i Uglemors projektrum. Gaver, arv og selvindkøbt - for det meste på genbrug. Men nu skal der bruges af det. Selve tønden er også genbrug, en gammel tønde til sæbespåner, som nogen havde smidt ud. Uglemor fandt den og bragte den med hjem til sit garn.

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It is working. Having to link to Small Things - or not in case no knitting was done this week - seems to help. The mittens for the Writer are done, and MotherOwl has cast on a pair for Marsupilami.
Minimax was interested in knitting, so I taught him how to after casting on for a hat for him. I could not have done better myself, he is a natural knitter, knit and purl and never dropping a stich or making a mistake. I knitted one round for him, and it's like knitting my own WIP.

Reading: An old science fiction anthology from 1981, but it's a reprint from 1961 - 64. I wanted Trolli to read "The Wall around the World", which made a big impression on me when I first read it long ago, and then I re-discovered a lot of the stories ... In the Owlery one wall of bookcases is dedicated to SF and Fantasy, it was no mean task to find one novel in that place ;)

All the yarn for these projects come from the stash, MotherOwl has a barrel full of yarn. It is an old, repurposed barrel, once it contained soap flakes, and when it was thrown out MotherOwl picket it up and carried it home to put all her yarn in. Lots of yarn, gifts, inheritances and bougth - mostly second hand - but now Mother Owl is going to use it!

  • Færdige luffer til Skribenten. Spirillens luffer er kommet lidt fremad, og ja, et omrids af den relevante persons hånd er mit strikkemønster ;) Det gamle penalhus er fantastisk til hæklenåle, maskemarkører, stoppenåle, store sikkerhesdsnåle og alle de andre småting der altid bliver væk. I bundetagen bor 4 sæt korte strømpepinde. 
  • Mittens for the Writer finished, and the ones for Marsipilami begun. MotherOwl uses long tail cast on - really long tail ;) And yes, a draving of Marsupilami's rigth hand is what MotherOwl uses for a "pattern". The old pencil case is wonderful for holding stitch markers, darning needles, crochet needles, all those things that are apt to disappear; and the bottom compartment contains four sets of very short double pointed needles

3 kommentarer:

  1. oh, i just love those mittens. what a beautiful job.

  2. Beautiful mittens. I also can't help but admire your needle boxes...I'm kind of jealous!

  3. Thanks for the compliments. The old pencil case was a gift from the Writer (husband) and I have loved it ever since, first for my drawing things, but it became too small, and then my knitting thingies have found their home there.


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