søndag den 8. september 2024

Sunday Selection, Colour24 & Bathroom Entomology
Søndagsbilleder, Månedens farve & Badeværelsesentomologi

Først - for alle, der ikke vil se billeder af edderkopper og insekter, kommer månedens farve
For everybody not wanting to see spiders ... Colour of the Month.

Today we ate the very first bite of the very first ripe jalapeño.
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I dag spiste vi den første bid af den første modne jalapeño.


  I'm sorry, but entomology is not the study of ents - even if this would be a subject I would really like to study, I doubt even a single ent would fit into our tiny bathroom. Entomology is - as most of you probably know - the study of insects, spiders and such - in short bugology.
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     Entomologi er desværre ikke ente-studier. Selvom det er en slags studier jeg gerne ville bedrive, tvivler jeg på at der ville være plads til bare en enkelt, lillebitte ente på vores ikke særligt store badeværelse.
     Nej, entomologi er - som de fleste sikkert ved - studiet af insekter, edderkopper og den slags.

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Some entomologic photos from our bathroom - no, I do not know why all bugs congregate there.
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     Her er et par entomologiske billeder fra badeværelset. Gad vide hvorfor alle insekter og edderkopper godt kan lide at være der?

A pretty moth, probably Common carpet --  🦋  -- En fin natsværmer, nok en Almindelig bladmåler.

A lady Marsh cranefly, notice the pointy end -- 🪰 --  et hun-stankelben, det kan man se på den spidse ende.

And finally another spider. It is the same species as my itsy bitsy spider - a Walnut orb spider - but much smaller, probably a male one, and with distinctly hairy black and white banded legs.
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Og til sidst endu en edderkop. Den er af samme art som Lille Peter, en flad hjulspinder, men meget minder, så det er nok en han, og med meget fint stribede og behårede ben.

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Ekstra, her til morgen var der denne edderkop på badeværeslet. Den tilhører helt sikkert slægten Halloween-edderkopper. Gad vide, hvor den er kommet fra.
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And this morning, I found this pretty specimen on the sink. It belongs to the Halloween spiders, I'm sure, and I wonder, how it got there, and where it has been hiding.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like your spiders (and bugs generally). They like our bathroom too. Humidity?
    My partner would envy your Jalapeno.

    1. It migth actually be the humidity they're attraced by. The jalapeño - or rather the small bit of it - made our dinner tastier withaout making it HOT, and that's what I like about them.

  2. I didn't know those Halloween spiders were a real thing. I wonder if the insects congregate in your bathroom because it is easy find water there?

    1. They are indeed not real. One of the Owlets is teasing me and has placed a small plastic spider from Halloween past at the sink. I wonder where the guilty Owlet found it.
      And we're more suspecting that water or moisture is the reason why bugs go there. Now the majority is not always right, but I think we are this time

    2. Mystery "solved". He told me it had fallen into the bathtub, clogging the drain. This only pushes the question one step backwards. From where did it fall into the tub? There's next to nothing in our bathroom - apart from the fixed elements, tub, sink and toilet, there's a small medicine cabinet and a mop on a hook. Maybe it was stuck to something in the cabinet? But since Halloween? I cleaned the cabinet thoroughly a least twice since.

  3. Bugs need water just as we do, so it's very likely the reason.

    The jalapeno looks very good.


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