tirsdag den 3. september 2024

Poetry Monday :: Height ~ a Non-Poem

Yesterday was once again crazy busy. And when finally I sat myself down at the computer, I opened all the new posts according to my blogroll. Oops big mistake, as I have a hard time writing a poem after having read the contributions of others's.

I wrote a comment at Mimi's blog - after I wrote it, it hit me that it was almost a poem, and I said so in a comment to my first comment -- meaning to post it here as well. But upon publishing this second comment, comment #1 disappeared, which made me write a third comment hoping it was just eaten by the spam monster, and had not disappeared forever in the depths of the 'web.  ... confused yet?

This morning my first comment -- that one I think was in some way a look-alike poem - had returned, and the other two were there as well -- thanks Mimi for rescuing my comment from the jaws of the spam monster. Now I can cite it here as my Poetry Monday contribution, but a day late.

Funny poems - I love them, but now I am undone,
I read your poems before writing my own,
which is the height of stupidity -
at least it seems like that to me.

--  --  --  --
Next Monday: Family.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I hear you. Reading other people's contributions before I write my own is the kiss of death - at least you got a poem out of your comment. Sigh at the spam monster.

    1. Thanks, it is a consolation to know I'm not alone in this.

  2. It was the same for me when I took part in Poetry Monday. Other people's writing is like having an earworm except not musical. It's funny how we can end up rhyming when we're not even trying. Glad your comment-poem reappeared on Mimi's blog.

    1. This is a very apt comparison.
      And I too am happy that Mimi freed my comment from the spam monster's jaws.
      I'm sad that you no longer participate in Poetry Monday, and hope that you will eventually return.

  3. Yes, it was in spam jail, and I try to get them out ASAP. It did work as a poem!

    1. Thank you for freeing it - it seems that the spam monster is more active right now, we must try and beat it into submission once again. I'm glad you see the poetry in it as well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.