søndag den 23. juni 2024

Sunday Selestions :: Søndagsbilleder

Maltreatment of Plants ~ Plantemishandling
I do not know what these nice sansevieria have done to be treated this way - or why. I only know that this is a clear-cut case of plant maltreatment.
And according to the label (STOLT = PROUD) the perpetrators are even proud of their misdeed.

     Jeg ved ikke, hvad de her Svigermors skarpe tunger havde gjort for at skulle dyppes i maling, men det er helt klart plantemishandling.
    Og så lader det til at gerningsmændene oven i købet er stolte af deres værk.

Og nu til noget helt andet ~ And now for something completely different
Blomstrende lindetræ. Hvis man står  under sådan ét kan man høre hundredvis af insekter der suger til sig af den rigelige nektar.

Linden tree in full bloom. If you stand near such a tree, you can hear hundreds of insects drinking up the nectar.

Og i begge de her billeder finder vi månedens farve:
And in both photos, we find the colour of the month.

11 kommentarer:

  1. What a peculiar thing to do to a plant. Any idea why?
    Love the green of the Linden Tree and can just about hear those thirsty insects.

    1. As I told Mimi and River(you) the answer is football.
      That buzzing is something special, we have a row of linden trees near home, and when I kept bees, I always knew where to find them this time of the year.

  2. I'm not sure I've ever stood under a Linden Tree, but it sounds interesting.

    As for painting the plants, I have no idea what that could mean or why it would be done.

    1. Linden trees are fab, now more thatn elsewhen.

      The answer to the painted pots is football! Look at the pots. Red/white are the Danish colours.

  3. River, who cannot comment on either of our blogs at the moment asked me to post this comment for her.
    "The Sanseveria are wearing paper "caps" to protect the tips until the buyer gets the plant home. They are easily removed just by pulling upward gently and do no harm to the plants."

    1. As much as I'd like this explanation to be true, it is not. They have been dipped in paint, and the answer as to why hit me when I took a closer look at the pots in the photo - football!

    2. And why is DNB now waging a war on commenting once again? I have no problems commenting on most blogs - only a few WP ones, and I take that as something personal, as WP hates me.

    3. Having now read River's blog I will repeat here what I commented there:
      "I had that same problem - only not as consistently - some time ago. A hard refresh of the blogpage in question, hitting CTRL + F5, sometimes solved the problem. It passed, not by anything I did, maybe an update?
      I hope it'll pass for you as well."

  4. Jeg kan godt lide fodbold og ser gerne landskampe,men kan ikke forstå man behøver, at putte maling på planter af den grund.
    Vores store lindetræ i haven summer også af liv- et kæmpe insekt hotel☺️

    1. Nej vel? Ren plantemishandling.
      Lindetræer er plantemagneter på denne årstid, så skønt!

    2. Jeg mener naturligvis INSEKTmagneter ;)


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