tirsdag den 4. juni 2024

Poetry Monday :: Eggs :: No Poetry

Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane @ On the Border. But starting this January she's taking a break due to health issues, and Mimi @ Messymimi's Meanderings and I have conspired to keep the chair warm for her. We will each set the topics for one month, I began with January, Mimi supplied for February, and so on until Diane returns.

For Monday June 3rd the prompt was

But yesterday no poeming happened. I thought quite a lot about Eggs as I biked to the dentist, but after having one tooth extracted and another given a root canal treatment, poetry was not high on my priority list.

Here's a picture of today's
Eggs while waiting

 - - - - -
Next Monday's prompt is Wild

8 kommentarer:

  1. Your photo of those beautiful eggs is poetry in itself.

    1. Thank you - I love that my hens lay such a variety of colours.

  2. I wouldn't want to write poetry after that, either. Maybe next week's prompt will work better. I'm praying your mouth heals up quickly.

    1. Thank you for your understanding and prayers, both much appreciated.

  3. I wouldn't feel like writing after dental work either. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thank you. It is a bit better today. I hope for even better soon.

  4. I am amazed that you were able to bike home after that kind of ordeal.

    1. I did not bike home ;) even tough I actually considered doning so,. Where I live, you can take your bike onboard the bus. The trip, including waiting time for corresponding buses took me a bit over 1 hour, where the bike ride is max 30 minutes - downhill. But it rained as well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.