mandag den 23. januar 2023

Poetry Monday :: Clocks

Clocks I did not do so well today. I made the grand mistake of visiting others' blogs before having written my poem.

Analogue hands or digital numbers?
Coloured drawings or stylish grey?
Sounds at the hour - every quarter - or silence?
Shrill sounds or bells to wake us from slumbers?
Only time, or moon phases, temperatures and day?
Tick tock, the stately sound of silence.

No matter which clock the hours fly
The hands or numbers whirling by
And busy is the time that's ours.
The sun is rising in the skies
The moon is rising, day is done.
I miss the quiet twilligth hours
With tick tock from the stately clock.

-- ⏰  -- ⌚ -- 🕰 -- ⏲ -- 🕝 --

Clocks ~ Ure. Det blev ikke så fantastisk i dag. Jeg begik den klassiske brøler at besøge andres blogs før jeg havde skrevet mit eget digt.

Analoge viserer blev travle tal
Morsomme tegninger til nobelt og gråt
Slag hver time blev til bib hver kvarter.  
Biblyde i stedet for klokkeklang
Før kun tid, nu dato, temperatur og dag
En gang - Tik tak -  gik tiden i ro og mag.

Ligemeget hvilket ur flyver tiden af sted
fra morgenstunden af må vi følge med.
Så står solen op igen,
så månen, gamle ven.
Hvad skete der med mørkning
Tik tak fra et gammelt ur i skumring.

-- -- -- -- --

Next Monday: Time

6 kommentarer:

  1. I cannot read other people's contributions before I write my W4W stories so I understand your dilemma. Despite it, you did well. Very well.

    1. Thank you. Good to hear I'm not alone in this.

  2. I think you did an excellent job with the topic.

  3. I think you did well with your poem. I prefer analogue, but I'm okay with digital too. And I like my clocks to be as silent as possible.

    1. We seem to have the same preferences. The tick tock was my grandmother's clock. And time there seemed to stretch like nowhere else.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.