tirsdag den 31. januar 2023


Der vil komme solskin igen! - det er nærmest mit mantra for øjeblikket. for det er ikke rigtig til at tro, når jeg kigger ud gennem vinduet, Og vejrmeldingen bekræfter mig i det.

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We will have sunshine again! I keep repeating this as some kind of mantra. But looking through my window it's hard to believe, and the weather prognosis does not look promising either.

Og så har jeg lige fundet ud af at lige meget hvor hurtigt, jeg strikker, så vil jeg løbe tør for garn, før jeg bliver færdig med min trøje - og selvfølgelig er farven udgået! Ikke for nyligt heller, men mindst to år siden, da jeg først begyndte at strikke på trøjen. Så der er ingen chancer for at finde en lille rest et eller andet sted, og jeg mangler 3 eller 4 nøgler, altså. Der må tænkes.

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And I just found out that no matter how fast I'll be knitting, I'll run out of yarn before finishing my sweater -- and of course this colour has been discontinued - two years ago or more, whan first I began knitting  after finding the yarn on sale! So no hope of finding a hank or two in the shops (I am short 3 or 4 balls of blue yarn). I have to turn on that old brain. 

7 kommentarer:

  1. I see some stripes in various colours coming up. Do you have any yarn of the same weight you could use

    1. Hehe, great minds think alike, but I'm afraid I'll have to go shopping - no yarn of the same weight and material in my stash.

  2. Good luck with your knitting conundrum. I hope you do get some sunshine soon.

  3. Solen skal nok komme- det ved vi. Værre er det med mangel på garn til blusen😉

  4. Eventually, the sun does come out as clouds can't last forever. That's what i say to myself here, too, when every day is rainy.

    Good luck finding yarn, i hope you get a good, complementary color and do stripes or a pattern of some kind.

  5. If you still have the band from the yard, with the colour and dye lot number you might search on ebay for more, someone could have a few balls left from something else. Or you could use stripes in contrasting colours to finish it.


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