torsdag den 4. august 2022

Using the Words - Aunt Jemima's Garden 1

EC gave us these words for Wednesday - that was yesterday. I was busy, but now I felt inspired.


These words turned into a small bit of a new
Susan story. On the timeline we're some days after the story about a mouse. I almost succeeded in using the words in the order they were given 😞

"I would like to meet, as in really meet a fairy or an elf," Susan said. "I sometimes see glimpses of them while looking through the hole in that stone, They dance in the meadows among the trees, soaring over apples and stones as lightly as fluffy dandelion seeds."
"Some say you can entice them with poppy seeds, as they like the taste," Heidi said. "Personally I think this is hogwash. I think they come and go as pleases them. I have a vague memory of us visiting aunt Jemima in her old house. The fairies were dancing in the garden there. It was marvellous. Later that year she moved away from that house. I don't remember much about it."
"Oh, I wish we could go visit that garden!" Susan enthused. "Can't you ask your mother where it was, like?"
"Neither she nor Aunt Jemima will tell. She says there's a shadow hanging over that house - that's why aunt Jemima moved in the first place. But maybe, I got an idea," Heidi's face lit up. "I think I have some old letters from Aunt Jemima. Maybe her address is on one of them!"
"Where there's a will, there's a way," Susan said. "Find those letters, better hurry up!"

7 kommentarer:

  1. Oooh. As always I am delighted. And itching to read more.

  2. Since there may be danger there, i'm not sure if i want them to find the house or not. Good episode, to leave me on the edge of my seat!

  3. I love this. I would like to meet a fairy or an elf, or even just glimpse them someday. I would like to know what happened in the old house too.

  4. This is a test comment from Peggy K in the Blogger help community, feel free to delete.

  5. Lovely story, Charlotte. I am keen to read where this takes us all.

  6. I hope they meet a fairy or elf, someone kind maybe or maybe not, there is good and bad in all sorts of beings.

    Have a lovely day.


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