søndag den 7. august 2022

Sunday Selecction -- Happy Edition

Yesterday we were in Copenhagen for an ordination. A young man we know and cherish was made a priest.
It was one of the best days in my life, and I'm still not quite touching the ground when walking.

While I have almost no photos from yesterday - at the church, I was too busy being there, and later I soaked my camera, it will survive, but all photos were fuzzy - I suceeded in snapping some funny posters at the place where the reception aftewards was being held.

This would be just about my favourite tree ever.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for sharing some quirky fun from your wonderful day.

  2. May your young friend have a blessed life and be a blessing.

    That tree would be magnificent!

    1. Thank you for your well-wishes, he is much appreciated, and much needed in a situation like ours (largest diocese in sq. km. and one of the smallest in numbers).
      I would love a clipping of this tree, but can it stand the frost, I wonder ;)

  3. A sushi tree! More correctly a Nori Roll tree, since sushi is actually raw fish.

    1. Hehe, Nori rolls indeed on the tree, but the nigiri has already been picked.
      And I hate to be a besserwisser, but sushi is historically not raw fish but fish preserved with rice and salt. From this today's sushi developed by re-adding the rice, wiht added vingar-salt-sugar mixture to ape the taste.


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