torsdag den 29. april 2021

Words for Wednesday - April 28

This last Wednesday in April the words are over at WiseWebWoman's blog. We were given:


This painting to the right, called "Back from Market" painted by Jean Siméon Chardin in 1738.


Remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please place a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

They all congregated in the large room by mutual impulse. The market was supposed to open at noon, and all the peasant were readying the stalls, hanging the awnings and pyramiding their wares. Wine was sold in a corner. You could taste it beforehand. It was a local produce, sour and unpalatable, but it was cheap, and the surging feeling gotten from drinking it, was the same as from the expensive, better tasting imported stuff.
He felt rather than saw the light as the doors to the big room was opened. Standing in the back was good, being up front always brought with it the hazard of being overrun once the doors opened. He only risked not having the choicest wares, but he found this alternative way better.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Wise decision. If he had been up the front and got the choicest wares BOTH of them might have been squished in the rush - and the choicest wares would have become second best.

  2. Agreeing with EC, he is wise and discreet to do that.

  3. I was thinking I would enjoy a market that allows tastes of wine before purchase - until you described it! Lol. Well done with the Words for Wednesday!

  4. I like this, I can almost feel the atmosphere of the market.

  5. Thank you all for your positive words on my lacklustre piece of prose.

  6. I like how you use the word pyramiding - it perfectly describes the process.
    Excellent word picture in this piece.


    1. Thank you. If it is not a word, it should be!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.