fredag den 30. april 2021

A-Z Xtra

     Næsten hver dag klokken 12 har der gennem hele april måned kommet et A-Z indlæg her på bloggen.
     Temaet har været ekkoer, de løse ender, halve projekter, nye begyndelser, gyldne løfter og lokkende udsigter. Nu er det så slut for i år.
     Det har været anstrengende, men også sjovt at finde på noget at skrive hver dag.
     Her er så en lille ekstrapost om den anden fortsatte historie her på bloggen: Historien om Mary, Allan og verdens ende.
Ⓐ - Ⓩ
Almost every day all through April at noon a new A-Z post has gone live on my blog. The theme was Echoes, finishing touches, half done projects and endings. Now we've reached the finishing line for this year.
  It has been fun, I have written more than normally, and visited way more new blogs than I use to as well. But I'm glad that I now face 11 months without this pressure.
  As a small extra I have this post. It's about the other story taking up space at this blog: Mary, Allan and the End of the World.

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Efter at jeg havde set, hvad Olga Godim kunne få ud af diverse biller og sammenklip til forsider, fik jeg lyst til at prøve selv. Det er ikke noget, jeg har prøvet før eller er god til. Men på Pexel by Louis fandt jeg et billede, der var perfekt til min historie om Mary og Allan. Jeg har kun tilsat bogstaver og en lille flyvemaskine.
Ⓐ - Ⓩ

After seeing what Olga Godim could do with those covers of hers, I wanted to try my hand at covermaking. I'm not good at it, but I found the perfect photo at Pexel by Louis for my story of Mary and Allan. I have only been playing around with the fonts and colours of the letters - and an airplane.

9 kommentarer:

  1. I like the desert image, the plane is not quite right when combined with the realistic desert. Maybe a shape of the airplane in a dark gray would be better. Probably don't need the hypen before 'and' in the title. That's what I would do.

    What's Forfatternavn means?

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you. No, the airplane needs to be more realistic, but white, or silver actually in keeping with the story. Forfatternavn means Author's name in Danish, an in congruency, sorry.

  2. You did very well, I like the cover a lot.

  3. That is a beautiful photo, and fun to play with the design.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge!
    Black and White: Z for Zerzura

  4. Good work on the design, i know you will get the best image for the plane sooner or later.

    Congratulations on doing the A to Z!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.