mandag den 4. maj 2020

Poetry Monday - The One with no Poetry

I can't do it! Every time I begin thinking of Friends this flitters through my brain and just spoils anything, I just thought of:

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA

It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year


I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

Next Monday the topic is Our Favourite Flower. I know lots of songs about flowers, but I hope none as earwormy as "I'll be there for you".

11 kommentarer:

  1. And more more can we ask of our friends...

    1. So true ... but I would have liked to write a poem my self. Well new chance next Monday.

  2. I know that song and I even know the lyrics. I think listening to it kind of makes you want to watch Friends again, well, for me anyway.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. For me it is The Friends song. My daughter watched them, and I sneaked in often as not.

    2. I 'thought' that was where it had come from but Friends is a show I haven't watched. The sentiments are universal though...

  3. Svar
    1. Yes, The Rembrands knew what they were doing.

  4. It's just right for when you can't think of a better way to say it.

    1. It is an earworn like almost nothing else. And still it's right.

  5. I loved that show and the music is indelibly connected to it! I have to confess the song I linked to today was the thing that kept running through MY head and I had to listen to it a couple of times to get it OUT of there and be able to write a poem :)

    1. I tried singing. listening, and everything - short of watching an episode of Friends. It just would not leave my brain!


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