mandag den 12. november 2018

World of Warcraft Classic

MotherOwl has dusted off her old World of Warcraft-skills. We bought a virtual ticket so that we could try out WoW Classic. So far it's as good as I remembered.

It is tough!
I have already been killed many, many times, even though you start out in green gear (That's magical gear, that gives you extra strength spellpower etc) with a very small chance of substituting it. Lots of things are still missing with only Westfall/The Barrens to run around in and starting at level 15½. You're given set professions e.g.. all Paladins have mining and Blacksmithing. There's no cooking, fishing or first aid, as there's no trainers - which I miss immensely as that was a big part of my pleasure in Vanilla. 

Reporting for duty. 10 points if you recognise this place.


My new hunter doing one of my favourite Quests in Westfall.

Of all the things I miss in World of Warcraft levelling at a slow pace, doing only the Light knows what along the road is the most important.
In Vanilla you could go fish, learn one or two professions, study cooking and always you were able to find more recipes to buy or learn, one more fish to catch or one more herb to pick while levelling. How much other stuff you do, is (was) up to you - you could level entirely by cooking, as farming for ingredients would take you surely, but very slowly to max. level.

One of the other things, I remember with joy, was named elites dropping gears named after them. I defeated Brack - the running murloc, and had his claw as a dagger

Nice little weapon, perfect for the well-dressed Hunter. 

I also defeated his bigger brother Slark with my Hunter, and had his Slarkskin. But as Slarkskin is a mailcoat, I sent it to my Paladin, who proudly wears it here:

Nice looks, tough armour. What's not to like here?  

I also met Vultros, a level 26 elite. But he killed me and my faithful pet in seconds.  4 of us grouped up and defeated him. The item he dropped was for level over 20, it was not his signature gear, and our group leader won it - totally fair, he deserved it.

Did you notice the strangely black hands of my Hunter in the character shot? She's wearing yet another piece of signature gear: Ghoul Fingers, named after Lepritus, the ghoul, who - together with two of his fellow ghouls - haunts this small grave after dark.  

I have enjoyed my stay in WoW Classic immensely, and I am looking forward to the day this Summer, where I can play from level 1 to 60. See you in 2020 after that. 😀

A lot of us waiting for the world to end at the pier in Ratchet.

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