fredag den 2. november 2018

Words for Wednesday 31 October -- Unicorn Farm 5

Once again late to the party. And once again it's a part of my mock autobiography.

The words are provided by Margaret Adamson, and her friend Sue Fulton, and found at Elephant's Child's place:




We left the wizard gang on their way to somewhere at the  foggy railroad track, now the deed is done and the exhausted heroes once again gather in the  barn of the Unicorn Farm.

"You did a veritable Sully," Kai said to Susan as they had returned home. "Much to my chagrin we could not save Torben." If I had been a funambulist and not a stage magician, I might have walked the rail out there. But he was too heavy as it was, and sank too fast." The lowering expression on his face told more than words how sad he felt at the thought of his shortcomings.

"I know you tried," Sandra said. "But even I could not have foreseen that the sand out there had turned to quicksand under the heavy rain."

Gilvi entered the room: "I've finished my ablutions, he said. "There's still plenty hot water in the pipes for the next man." He looked aged, almost as if he was wasting away. Carefully he sat down on the sofa and picked a saucy morsel from among the edibles collected at the table.

"This will be a night we'll never forget," he said slowly. "Our names will be written in the history books for perpetual perusal by coming generation. But I'm not so moonstruck with our success this time as to not realize that the worst is yet to come."

"Let's smoke that cigar when it's handed to us," Thora gently said. Tonight, or rather today - as the sun's about to rise - is a day for celebrating and making happy sounds."

3 kommentarer:

  1. Awe and wonder. I have been loving your 'autobiography' and do hope that next month's words allow you to continue it.

    1. I sure hope so too. I don't know why, but Maraget, Sue and Bill tickles my poetic ear best.

  2. OH what a wonderful new chapter to your book! I really enjoyed this!


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