søndag den 24. juni 2018

Kastanjeskaller -- 2 -- Chestnut Husks

     Af og til er Uglemor smart. Hun kan i hvert fald læse sine egne blogindlæg. Og der står jo højt og tydeligt at kastanjeskaller skal KOGES for at give ordentlig farve. Altså på'en igen, Uglemor.
     Jo der var mere farve i skallerne. Nu blev det orange. Hvor mon min røde fra sidste år blev af?
     Der kommer helt sikkert flere skaller og flere forsøg.

Some times MotherOwl is smart, at least she can read her own old blog post. Didn't she write that chestnut husks had to be boiled to give off colour. If at first, you don't succeed ..
Yes, more dye was to be had rom boiling the husks ... And we got orange! Where did my red go?
More husks and more dyeing uocoming.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I also got (brownish)orange from chestnut husks. I noticed it gives rather less colour than walnut hulls, I'd expected more.
    Is the yellow also from chestnut husks?

    1. Yes, both colours are from chestnut husjs, The yellow was the normal simmering batt, the orange one from boiling the husks. Last year I got a pinkish red.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.