mandag den 18. december 2017

TUSAL - December

     I dag er det årets sidste nymåne. Det første Uglemor tænkte i morges var om hun nu kunne fnde sine stumper til et foto. Der bliver nemlig ryddet op!
     De stumper Uglemor kunne finde, ligger på stoffet i forgrunden. Hele bordet er dækket med kasser, hvor garnlageret bliver sorteret. Og i baggrunde kan man ane alle kasserne. Det er dem Uglemor opbevarer alt sit rod - og alle ideerne - i. De skal ryddes op inden juleferien!

     Daffycat vil blive ved med at lægge blog til TUSAL, hvis altså vi stadig vil lege med. Uglemor vil i hvert fald gerne.

  🌛  🌛  🌛  🌛  🌛   

Today is the last new Mooon of 2017. This was MortherOwl's very first conscious though this morning. Then as she became more awake, panic set in. My ORTs. Where are my ORTs?
A frantic search yielded those, that are placed on the piece of fabric in the foreground. In the middle and background can be seen the reason for this bout of panic. MotherOwl is cleaning and sorting in her project room. The crates on the table are for sorting yarn, and all the crates in the background contain MotherOwl's materials and other remedies for fibrey and non-fibery crafts. All to be sorted and put back before Christmas holidays start (Thursday - if you really have to know).

     Daffycat will go on hosting TUSAL, if we want to continue. MotherOwl has had so much fun the last two years and is all set to continue.

Stumper og kasser.
ORTs and crates.

1 kommentar:

  1. It looks like you have been very busy, nice collection of orts. Look forward to seeing more of them in 2018.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.