mandag den 8. maj 2017

Nyt fra Sæbekonen

     Sæbekonen er jo et af Uglemors aliasser. Og på lørdag er det så vidt. Årets første marked finder sted i Vejby. Så håber vi at vejret er så tilpas godt at Uglemor vover at lufte Sæbekonens nye, blå kjole.

MotherOwl is also known as the soap Lady. The coming Saturdaty, the first Farmers' market of the year is taking place. MotherOwl is hoping for nice weather and the courage to wear her new, blue dress.

1 kommentar:

  1. I love your new blue dress. I hope you had both courage and good weather and therefore were able to wear it!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.