torsdag den 7. juli 2016

Have"arbejde" -- "Working" in the Garden

     Uglemor skulle lige gøre et eller andet indendørs. Ugleungerne skulle arbejde i haven. De skulle plukke bær og klippe græsset i kanterne med en håndklipper.
     Sådan her så det ud, da Uglemor kom ud igen. Klipperen står lige bag Piratens hoved.
En af de bøger, de er i gang med er Skyggens lærling-forhistorien, Turneringen i Gorlan, som vi opdagede i rette tid til sommerferien.

MotherOwl had to take care of some urgent indoor issue. The Owlets were working in the garden, cutting the long grass in the corners, and picking strawberries.
This is how MotherOwl found the Owlets as she returned. The cutters are hidden behind The Pirate.
One of the books they're reading is the new Ranger's apprentice prequel, Tournament at Gorlan. We just discovered it in time for the Summer holidays.

Flittige Ugleunger  --  Very busy Owlets

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    The weather looks too beautiful to work. Much better to sit in the sun and read a book!

    1. The temptations of new books and sunshine were iiresistible for the Owlets ;)


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